Teeth whitening lemon

Teeth whitening lemon

Beautiful smile is a tool of a wonderful mood. And snow-white teeth can make it more dazzling. And in order to achieve such an effect, it is not necessary to use the services of a dentist, because the bleaching procedure can be performed at home. Now there are so many opportunities and tools that self-imparting white color to your teeth is simple and easy. One of the most famous ways to achieve this is whitening with lemon.

Tips before bleaching

The simple whitening of folk substances provides for the observance of some basic rules for maintaining the natural and beautiful whiteness of the teeth:

  1. First, you need to minimize the consumption of products that are painted enamel in a dark color: cigarettes, tea, coffee, red wine, chocolate, and the like ..
  2. Secondly, it should be remembered that excessive consumption of drugs (especially antibiotics) over time makes teeth yellow.

Why lemon

Lemon really possesses such properties that can make a smile whiter for a few tones. Its useful qualities are based on citrus acid and antibacterial effect. When interacting with enamel, lemon juice eliminates harmful particles that paint teeth into an undesirable shade. Such a citrus product is able to clean the entire oral cavity from food residues, refresh the breath and increase the immunity of the whole organism.

Hazards whitening lemon

The lemon and its zest contain a lot of acid, which during long and improper use can harm the health of the teeth. It has a devastating action for calcium, which is contained in the teeth, and leads to an increase in their sensitivity. It is not necessary to abuse this tool and still better consult with knowledgeable people. And people who have allergies on a citrus should not use such bleaching at all.

The most important thing is not the result that lemon will give, and so that such whitening is safe.

Whitening recipes with lemon

To achieve an optimal exit, it is enough to use lemon and its components 1 time per week. And if the result does not suit you, it is just then worth visiting a professional dentist, and not to engage in self-medication. But, if you still decided on lemon whitening, there are several folk methods for you.

Recipe number 1.

Three our teeth lemon crusts and leave the mouth in the open state. Holding a little to the slightest visible result, we rush the mouth with water room temperature.

Recipe number 2.

For rinsing, they prepare lemon mortar: we are dragging lemon juice in equal proportions with water. Then I put your mouth with this composition.

Recipe number 3.

We use lemon flesh: a small piece we put in your mouth and leave on your teeth for a few minutes.

Recipe number 4.

Before you start cleaning the teeth we drip lemon juice on the tooth paste and clean your teeth. You can also use food soda together with lemon drops instead of toothpaste.

Recipe number 5.

Together with Lemon will also effectively use soda and peroxide:

  1. For cooking, we mix: 0.5 h. L. soda, as many lemon juice and a couple of drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  2. We put the mass on the teeth and leave for a couple of minutes, after spitching;
  3. Rinse your mouth with water and try not to eat food and hot (cold) drinks about 1 hour;
  4. We use this tool 1-2 p. in Week.

Whitening is a rather aggressive process for the state of dental enamel, since products with a high acid composition are used or with an abrasive substance. Therefore, it is worth thinking if you need it. And if, nevertheless, you want to give a smile snow-white color, try to be very careful and attentive.

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