Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening

Nothing so does not have a person as an open and beautiful smile. It is an integral "business card" in any field of activity, whether businessman, teacher, doctor or ordinary seller.

Everyone wants to have white teeth, but it is not easy to keep their whiteness, as not only coffee, tea and cigarettes affect color. The environmental situation at home or at work and not high-quality water also causes a yellow raid. In the modern world, many people are wondering how to make teeth lighter and keep this effect at least for several years.

There are many ways to return to the teeth former beauty, among which laser whitening deserves special attention. The procedure is that a special gel is applied on the teeth, based on hydrogen peroxide, and a laser, a length of 980 NTs, is a catalyst activating the clarifying effect.

The main advantage of whitening the laser beam is that during the procedure does not damage the dental enamel and its structure does not change. Under the closer supervision, the beam acts delicately, because you can individually pick up the time and frequency of the laser. For this reason, this type of cleaning is suitable even for people with sensitive teeth.

Laser whitening is a practically painless event. The beam is sent locally and its hitting the gums zone is excluded. Since the laser acts impulse, it does not heat the enamel and its deep layers, which avoids unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations. It depends very much on the qualification and experience of the doctor, which conducts clarification of enamel laser.

Session of getting rid of the laser with a laser takes at all a long time, on average - from 30 minutes to an hour. The laser beam has an antibacterial effect. Such cleaning will help get rid of microbes, and therefore, from the unpleasant smell of mouth and the development of caries in the future.

After the bleaching procedure, dental doctors recommend a couple of days not to drink drinks and food with the effect of staining, so as not to spoil the result. Such products include coffee, wine, beets, blueberries, etc. The price of laser whitening ranges from 8,000 to 25,000 rubles. It all depends on the specifics of the apparatus, the nativeness of the dental clinic and the system of discounts.

Laser whitening has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for women in the situation and in the period of breast feeding, persons under 18. In the presence of diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes, periodontal, dental stone, the infections of the oral cavity or not high-quality seals from bleaching, it is also worth refrained.

Each case is strictly individual, it is from this that the cost of bleaching, the sensation of the procedure and its time depends. Save a snow-white smile is not so easy. Specialists guarantee a long and good result only if all the rules of the oral hygiene and the regular annual visit to the dentist are observed.

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