How to get rid of dental stone

How to get rid of dental stone

The health of our teeth is directly related to the long painless well-being of the whole body. Because without food, we cannot do without food, then the rules of hygiene must be fulfilled. Each time after meals in the oral cavity, a specific microflora is created, which contributes to the formation of plaque, unpleasant odor and solid deposits on the teeth in the form of stones. On the danger, ways to remove the prevention of the latter will talk more in this article.

Toothstone: What is the danger

Dentists define two types of dental diseases:
  • above the gums, or visible;
  • under the gantry, or invisible.
In the first case, we see the yellow plaque and the glinate laying on the dental enamel, which can be removed with a brush, ear chop, nail.
The second form is more dangerous, as the stone begins to grow in the space between the tooth and the gums and gradually decrease the first. The extreme running form of the bottom stone is constant gingivitis, paradontitis.

Dental methods for dental removal

  • To protect yourself from serious diseases in the mouth, twice a year come to the dentist to remove the dental stone. If you missed the moment and the stone has already been formed, any of the following methods will help to remove it.
  • Ultrasound. Absolutely painless and without blood will help you to remove the tooth stone ultrasound. At the same time, the vibration of a certain frequency is created, which acts destroyably on all the formation and unnecessary thighs on the teeth. In the case of too high sensitivity, the gums dentist can apply you a special unfitting gel.
  • Laser. The principle of operation is similar to the previous method. The difference is the use of a special fluid instead of vibrations for cleaning the teeth. Note that not every dental clinic can boast the availability of equipment for laser cleaning due to its high cost.
  • Air processing. The principle of operation - through a special tool is fed under pressure air with abrasive particles, which break all the stones on the teeth and under the gums.
  • Chemical impregnation. In this method, chemical fluids are used, which soften and wash out all the fossils from the teeth.

Funds and methods of traditional medicine to eliminate the dental stone

In addition to medical methods for removing a dental stone there are a number of people who will help eliminate it in the early stages and carry out prevention.

  • Nutrition. Pay attention to your diet. It should present a sufficient amount of coarse fiber, which cleans the teeth from any unwanted formations. The best natural "brushes" - apple, carrots, radish.
  • Hygiene. Optimal Rules for Oral Hygiene: Cleaning twice a day; rinse after eating; shift toothpaste on fluorine-containing and abrasive for a couple of weeks; The right choice and regular replacement of the toothbrush.
  • Masks and rubbing teeth. The effective means for treating the surface of the teeth is hydrogen peroxide. Wipe your teeth every 7-10 days either prepare such a mask with lemon juice and a pinch of soda. But remember that abrasive particles of soda are able to scratch and thin the Emil tooth. Therefore, either carefully apply such a mask or trust the health of your mouth dentist.
So, we looked at different ways to eliminate the dental stone, as well as possible unpleasant diseases, if not to do this. Be careful to your loved ones and health. Remember that prevention is always cheaper than treatment, both in moral and material plans.
Health to you and your family!

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