How to quickly remove the toothpache

How to quickly remove the toothpache

It's no secret that the toothaches is one of the most painful and intense. Its reasons can be various diseases and pathological processes of the tooth and the surrounding tissues. If a dental pain occurs, only one desire is inherent - quickly eliminate it. There are many different ways for this.

If you have such a problem, then do not tighten with a visit to the dentist, even if you manage to temporarily soothe pain. The doctor will identify and eliminate the cause of pain, will carry out the necessary treatment. Moreover, the timely appeal facilitates the treatment process and accordingly reduces financial costs.

The first thing to be done in the occurrence of dental pain is to rinse a good mouth with a warm sodium salt solution. Such a procedure will cleanse the oral cavity and carious cavities of the tooth from food residues, will warm and calm the "swirl" nerve. To prepare such a solution, we take comfortable warm water and add soda and salt on a teaspoon. First, the rinsing of the mouth is carried out more intensively, then we make the so-called "baths", that is, we recruit the solution into the oral cavity and keep it near the patient tooth 2-3 minutes, then we repeat the procedure again until the tooth begin to calm down.

Herbs champs can be used for ribbons: chamomile, sage, AIR root. You can use the finished pharmacy alcohol chamomile tincture and calendula - it is also divorced in warm water, this solution makes rinse and "baths" for the tooth. Herbs will help not only reduce pain, but also to remove inflammation.

Very effective way are "baths" with alcohol. It is suitable vodka or brandy, pick up a small amount into the oral cavity and keep the pain in the pain. Alcohol is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the mouth and the gums, thereby causing numbness of the dental nerve - the pain should calm down. After the "medicine" simply split, not necessarily swallow. This method is not suitable for pregnant, nursing and children.

If the patient's tooth has a big carious cavity, simply put the hole, then in this case, you first need to remove food residues from it (rinse, clean with paste), and then you can put a cotton swab, moistened with the following drugs: liquid analgin (from ampoule ), Novocaine, menthol tincture, dental drops, vocal rope. Tampon does not need to be tightly inserted into the cavity, as it can increase pain.

Dental pain3.

It is famous for its therapeutic properties of propolis. It is laid in the carious cavity or on the gum around a sick tooth. This method is effective enough, but it cannot be used to people prone to allergies on beekeeping products.

When folk remedies are powerless, it is necessary to take painkillers inside. Well helps for dental pain: Analgin, Panadol, Tempalgin, Nimesil, Ketanov, etc. But remember that all strong painkillers are not harmless to your body and have their own side effects.

The listed methods can ease or even completely eliminate the dental pain. But they do not treat! Therefore, do not wait for the re-attack and do not wear on "Avos", and as soon as possible go to the dentist!

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Inna 03/04/2019 at 0:14.

I think that if the tooth hurts, then 50 percent is the tooth of wisdom hurts. Even if a couple of days later go, but still have to go to the doctor. When I was pulled out tooth wisdom in the clinic of Dr. Razumenko, first took a picture to see the full picture. By the way, I liked it in the clinic, a well done doctor, even the eye did not lead that the case is quite complex and will take at least two hours exactly. This thanks, of course, Flenkina Andrei Andreevich, you are a big professional!

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