How to remove the tooth stone

How to remove the tooth stone

The appearance of a dental stone is a rather loose problem. He torments even those who carefully cares for the cavity of the mouth. What to do in such cases and how to deal with the problem - we will find out below.

Toothstone and causes of its appearance

This unpleasant substance is nothing more than a hardened flare consisting of particles of food, microorganisms and salts. Since it looks pretty unpleasant, it was trying to actively fight in the Middle Ages, devoting entire books and treatises to the procedures. The reason for the appearance of the dental is most often incorrect or not sufficiently careful cleaning of teeth, rare toothbrush replacements, poor-quality toothpaste. Often the problem is striking teen teeth, subsequently pushing the gums throughout the adult life. The tooth stone can also appear on the prosthesis if they care badly.

In addition, there are some other causes of the problem:

  • excessive use of soft food;
  • chewing only one side of the jaw;
  • metabolic disease;
  • low-quality seals or other medical structures;
  • curved, problem teeth.

Danger of tooth stone

The sooner you cure the dentedstone, the less damage will be applied to the gums and the oral oral cavity. This disease is eliminated by a qualified dentist very simply and practically painlessly, so it is worth seeking help from a specialist. Using home remedies, you risk damage enamel, gum or tooth itself, so proceed to treatment with marginal caution. The launched cases of tartar cause bleeding the gums, an unpleasant smell of mouth, can lead to a loss of tooth or even neighboring. Sometimes a person does not even know about the presence of a dental stone - he is hidden under the gum and is practically not visible to the naked eye. To prevent or stop the development of the disease on time, visit the dentist at least once every half a year.

Dental removal at home

Many believe that the dentist can be deleted personally without resorting to painful and expensive procedures. One of the most simple ways for this is to buy a special paste, removing stones and a mineralized flight. The positive effect is achieved due to the inclusion in the abrasive components, polishing particles, enzymes, phosphates, polydon substances. However, miracles should not be expected from them - the stone will not disappear. Rather, it will eventually dissolve in part and will lose its unpleasant color. Recommended dentists brand of dental paste: "Present White Plus", "Lacalut White".

Folk remedies

One of the most popular recipes is the flesh of black radish, mixed with lemon juice to a puree consistency. This mixture must be kept fresh and chew 3 minutes before each cleaning of the teeth. You can also brush the teeth of soda, simply applying it over the bristles. However, procedures with soda and peroxide should be carried out to the maximum once a week. An interesting healer method attributes special properties of the Eggplant ashes. The vegetable must be burned entirely, and the remaining powder rub into the affected places before each cleaning with the toothpaste. In addition, frequent citrus use will significantly reduce the risk of the disease and reduce the already existing forged stone.

It should be remembered that smoking, taking alcohol, coffee and tea can accelerate the development of a dental stone.

Comments leave a comment
Kristina 03/12/2015 at 21:10

Toothstone is a tin of course. Even when the tongue touches the teeth from the inside, then you feel clearly. And the smell of an unpleasant mouth, which confess, is very felt. Therefore, I think soon I will still go to the dentistry.

To answer
Angela 04/12/2015 at 16:48.

That's right. True, when I shot the dented stone, then the blood was ... a lot. Well, and unpleasant of course, even somewhere sick. But it is worth it. Then such relief is experiencing that unpleasant memories of visiting dentistry move into the background.

To answer
Kristina 05/12/2015 at 13:39

I was already warned about those sensations that I would come to feel with this procedure, but there was nowhere to go. We advised Lancet clinic. I hope that everything will be held on the proper level. Health is very important, but the health of the teeth is so more.

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