Paste toothpaste

Paste toothpaste

The first impression of a person develops in his appearance, so we want the face to be always attractive. This requires daily cleansing procedures, but with problematic skin, even they do not insure from the appearance of acne. The inflamed areas of the skin, accompanied by rashes, look extremely unaesthetic and repel the interlocutor, but you can get rid of them in a short time. The well -known way of struggle is toothpaste.

The action of toothpaste

A product intended for brushing teeth quickly and effectively fights skin problems. This is determined by the presence in the composition of the toothpaste of the drying and antibacterial components, such as triclosan, baking soda and hydrogen pyroxide. Thanks to them, the pasta quickly relieves inflammation and reduces the pimple in size, as a result of prolonged exposure, it completely disappears. You can replace the paste with tea tree oil or salicylic acid, which will also quickly dry the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and eliminate acne. If you are concerned about extensive rashes, then the use of pasta is not recommended, since this tool is suitable only for point application.

Choosing toothpaste

Acne toothpaste is a folk remedy not tested by dermatologists, so the choice of pasta should be taken responsibly:

  • To combat skin problems, you need to choose only white paste, without colored stripes and interspersed. Such pastes do not contain dyes that can negatively affect the skin.
  • Gel pastes are not suitable for getting rid of acne and gel paste, their composition is different from the classic and is not suitable for contacts with the skin.
  • Also pay attention to the composition of the toothpaste. In most cases, pastes contain fluorine, it is not needed to remove pimples, so choose pastes with its minimum content or absence.
  • There should not be whitening components in the composition, they can lighten the skin or even cause a burn in dark -skinned and black people.
  • The most optimal option will be the most ordinary white paste without additional additives and effects. An exception is only the addition of medicinal herbs: pastes with sage, chamomile or oak bark will enhance a positive effect.

But you should not choose toothpaste as the main way to combat inflammation, because it is not intended for the skin and sometimes can cause burning and even irritation. Pasta is only an emergency measure of struggle for cases when there is nothing more effective in the house.

How to use acne paste

Judging by the experience of several generations and countless reviews, Paste really helps to quickly get rid of acne:

  1. Before applying it to delicate skin, it is better to test the reaction on the skin of the wrist. If five minutes after application there is no redness and burning, you can proceed to apply on the face.
  2. Paste is applied to clean dry skin, so pre -clean the face with a gel or foam for washing and wipe dry.
  3. Then apply the paste directly on the pimple with a thin layer, point movements. Make sure that the paste covers only the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, do not apply the paste to the whole face.
  4. In order for the paste to dry the pimple and relieve inflammation, you need to keep it on the skin for at least two hours, and it is best to apply it in the evening and leave it overnight. In the morning, the pasta is washed off with warm water.
  5. Do not try the skin when washing off, it is better to use a sponge or a cotton pad and rub the paste with circular motions.

Toothpaste can quickly get rid of an unexpected pimple. In just one night, she will dry him and relieve inflammation. At the same time, it is important to apply only suitable paste to the skin so that there is no irritation and negative reaction. Also, you should not choose a paste as the main method of combating acne, if you have problematic skin, because there are funds recommended by dermatologists and specially designed for these purposes.

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