How to remove traces from acne

How to remove traces from acne

Many are faced with an unpleasant challenge of acne traces, which usually occurs if their removal is not properly carried out. Pigment stains, scars, scars are all the unpleasant consequences of improper treatment of acne. There are many options for getting rid of acne traces.

One of the effective means to remove spots from acne is a mask from a green clay tablespoon with 3-4 drops of rosemary's essential oil and water. This piercing mass is necessary after applying to the face is washed in 10-12 minutes. Effective is considered to rub with essential oils from a tea tree, lavender, mint, carnations, incense and neroli.

Hide dark spots will help whitening the skin masks that are easy to prepare at home. Enter on problem areas for 15 minutes the composition of one egg protein and a tablespoon of lemon juice. You can also try masks from the pulp of tomato to get rid of the stains, with a teaspoon of starch.

In addition to folk methods, drugs have proven well, which contains retinoids, cortisone, vitamins A, E, glycolic or salicylic acid. Any ointment with this component can be independently used in the pharmacy, before receiving professional advice from a pharmacist or a doctor.

More expensive, but no less effective methods are procedures that can perform a dermatologist or professional cosmetologist: vacuum, manual, mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning of the face, chemical peeling with glycolic acid, laser and micro-fluff. Modern cosmetology has learned to help everyone who has faced such a problem as traces from acne.

Trying to drink 5-6 glasses of water daily, avoiding oily and carbohydrate food, without being excessively in the sun, all this will give clean and smooth skin. If every day wash your face with warm water with antibacterial soap, apply cosmetic masks, scrubs, then the appearance of acne themselves will be minimized. After all, no matter how effective methods of getting rid of spots on the face, it is better to take care of preventing rashes and their consequences in advance.

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Catherine 11/05/2018 at 18:03

Hello everyone! On the face jumped up a huge and haze pimple, without thinking, I squeezed him and became even worse (((the wound is more acne and inflamed. What is better to process it?

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Marina 05/21/2018 at 15:39

Catherine, it is better to think in such a situation and not do it. But already done, now it is necessary to process the wreck, so as not to make anything in it and God did not give any consequences. In my first-aid kit for such cases, Argosulfan has always been, it has a bactericidal action and heals everything pretty quickly. But better do not do so, good advice)

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