Acne on the Pope: how to get rid of

Acne on the Pope: how to get rid of

Itching, rash, uncomfortable feelings from the fact that it is impossible to scratch in humans - all this characterizes the behavior of a person with acne on the pope. They arise due to many reasons, and irrevocable getting rid of them is possible only with the correct diagnosis.

The epidermis at this place is so insufficiently moistened, and synthetic underwear under the influence of elevated in the summer is even more able to exacerbate the situation. Change the underwear 100% natural and smearing the buttocks with nutritious or children's cream - and the body will answer you infant skin.

Purulent and red acne signals a hormonal failure and in this case (in the absence of other stimuli) be sure to examine the specialist. In women, along with painful and irregular menstruals, this is one of the most disturbing signals. And beautiful and healthy skin will again confirm that you are all right with female health.


The rash on such a delicate place can be the cause of allergies on household chemicals (foam for baths, soap, washing powder). In this case, only the replacement for children's soap and the same detergents from natural components will be able to correct the situation. Reception of seating baths with healing herbs (chamomile, cleanliness, a series) will help the body even faster forget about this problem.

Acne 3.

In the supercooling, painful rashes are a consequence of the body's response to contact with surfaces (floor, shop). Mail to local painkillers until the body can cope with the cold. Then the focus of infection in the buttocks will disappear.


Salicylic acid, Fuccin and iodine are your main assistants in the treatment of rash on the pope. Take a cotton ear with a cotton wand (so as not to cut the skin) to the foci of inflammation twice a day. But if you have not eliminated the cause - it will be just a local measure and acne will return again.

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