How to get rid of scars after acne

How to get rid of scars after acne

Beauty is not only the ideal proportions of the body and neat face features. It is also a clean well-groomed skin without acne, inflammation and scars. The process of cleansing the skin is very complicated, but even more difficult to get rid of the effects of acne. The scars are a fairly common problem, and today there are many methods for their treatment. Currently, from the scars on the face you can get rid of both at home and with the help of small cosmetic operations and services of beauty salons.

Deep chemical peeling

A very effective method, during which drugs are applied to the skin with a phenol content, practically corrosive skin. Such a procedure must be carried out no more than 1 time per year, as it is quite dangerous and painful. After it requires a small rehabilitation period.

Laser cleaning

This method is used for discovering scars. It will not be effective for snaps and depressions, since the procedure using the laser is based on cutting a certain layer of epidermis. After the procedure, swelling appears, which goes down in a couple of days, however, it takes about three months to fully restore.

Pharmacy ointment

If the skin after acne is not very damaged, you can use the "counterfex" or "dermatics" ointment. Their main purpose is the smoothing of the upper skin and the resorption of small scars. Apply ointment every day to a clean and sparkling face. Massage until the tool is completely absorbed.

Bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

For those who prefer home medicine, you can take advantage of it in combination with hydrogen peroxide. Such a mixture is prepared in the proportion of 50/50 and applied to the scars. It is necessary to remove the remedy after its complete drying or the sensation of burning in these zones. This method contributes to cell restoration and improves blood circulation.

Home scrub

Homemade scrub is a great method for those who have a non-severe chart. Use conventional candied honey daily (also good honey to turn on in your diet) or coffee scrub made of large grinding coffee and vegetable (better olive or rape) oil. Circular movements rub the scrub in a damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Passing within a few minutes, remnants remove with warm water and be sure to treat the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Moisturizing Massage

Effectively make massage with olive oil every day. This method is well moistened to the skin, and also helps get rid of scars. As a massage means, use vitamin E, which is sold in any pharmacy. Oil massage with vitamin E must be carried out within 5 minutes overnight.

Toning of skin face

Daily skin toning narrows pores, thereby contributes to the healing of scars. To do this, every morning wipe the face with ice cube. Scars on the face Proceed with mint juice, which will have a positive effect on the process of eliminating them. You can independently prepare a lotion from apple vinegar on the processing and toning of the skin. Take in proportion 1: 3 apple vinegar and water. Mix and apply 2-3 times a day on the scars.

Cosmetic Loda

The process of getting rid of scars is very complex and dangerous. This requires a large amount of time and strength. Before starting it, it is better to consult with a specialist in this area and not engage in self-medication. After the diagnosis, it will appoint you competent treatment, pushing out from the depth and area of \u200b\u200bthe skin damage.

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