How to get rid of acne on hand

How to get rid of acne on hand

Beautiful well-groomed hands - any woman dreams about it and pays great attention to them. Modern men either remain aside and even go to salons. But sometimes it happens that the manicure is done regularly, and the cream is applied constantly, but acne appear on the outer part of the brushes and between your fingers.

What do acne appear on their hands

Acne in hand may arise due to different reasons:

  • allergy;
  • outdoor fungal disease;
  • internal infectious disease;
  • incorrect metabolism;
  • violation of the hormonal background of the body;
  • heredity.

Acne combating methods

Before starting to fight acne, it is desirable to find out the reason for their occurrence. If this is allergic to the sun, the so-called "solar urticaria", then it is worth starting to use sunscreen. If the fungus, which can be recognized by passing certain analyzes, then cure it will be with the help of antifungal drugs. In the event of problems with the hormonal background, the course of hormone therapy should be underway, which will appoint a doctor. The same applies to internal infectious diseases - they must be deleted. But there are such cases that everything is in order with health, and acne in the hands periodically appear. In such a situation, you can resort to folk methods that our ancestors used.

Folk Methods

People's methods include grazing, wipes and washing hands with juice or decoction of healing herbs. Plants have proven greatly:

  • Scarlet. Take a large scarlet leaf, wrap it in paper and send for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Then squeeze the juice from the sheet and wipe your hands several times a day. If the juice succeeded, then you wash it in the water and wash this hand.
  • Potato. Take the potato tuber, clean its skins and soda on a shallow grater. Spread the cleaner on a gauze napkin and wrap her hand brushes. Keep a potato mask for at least 30 minutes, and then wash your hands with warm water, dry them well with a towel, treat the children's talc and put cotton gloves. This procedure is good at night when gloves can not be removed throughout the sleep.
  • Kalina. Collect viburnum berries, better after the first frosts. Pass them with a spoon and the resulting casket lubricate acne in the hands. Make riban wipes at least 2 times per day.


So, you were excluded the disease, folk methods tried, but acne is periodically returned. The next step should be the elimination of some products. This applies to smoked, spices, sharp seasoning. Go to a healthy meal that implies the use of low-fat meat and fish, dairy products, wholegrain bread, vegetables and fruits in fresh or boiled form. But be careful with red berries, fruits and fruits. It is often that they are the cause of allergic reactions in the form of red bumping acne.

Preventive measures

In order for the pimples in the arms to you, except for the exclusion of disease and healthy nutrition, it is worth paying attention to the prevention:

  • Any job in the house and in the country area, do in special household gloves - chemicals and dirt in the form of land are very annoying the skin.
  • After any work carefully math And dried hands.
  • Use creams for hands Based on chamomile, calendula or scarlet.
  • Once a week, make a peeling for the brushes to remove old ornamental cells, and after it - special masks.


If you listen to our advice, then the likelihood of acne appears on your hands will be reduced to zero. And this is exactly what you dreamed about. Beautiful and well-groomed hands!

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