Why do you need to wash your hands

Why do you need to wash your hands

Hand washing - a banal hygienic procedure, who knows from childhood. We do this elementary action several times a day in a habit, without thinking about his meaning and importance. But according to statistics, the reason for each third case of gastrointestinal infections is dirty hands. From how and how we are my hands, the effectiveness of this procedure largely depends.

What is the danger of dirty hands? Throughout the day, we touch the set of diverse surfaces - door handles, elevator buttons, handrails, railings, money. Thus, thousands of microorganisms are transferred to our hands. Further penetration of bacteria into the body can lead to such hazardous diseases such as dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, hepatitis, abdominal typhoid, helminthiasis (diseases caused by worms), rovotirius infections. These ailments were called "Disease Hand Diseases". Many of them proceed hard and lead to complications. Despite the fact that sharp respiratory viral infections and flu are transmitted mainly by air-droplet, 20% of people infect ARVI precisely through hands. For example, after a handshake with a sick person, rub his nose with a sick person.


When you need to wash your hands:

  • Before eating or table service;
  • After visiting the toilet, public places, after contact with highly contaminated objects, animals;
  • Before processing wounds, medical and hygienic procedures, putting on or removing contact lenses;
  • After care for a sick person;
  • After contact with monetary signs.


How to wash your hands? Many people belong to the process of washing hands formally. But a poorly conducted procedure will not lead to the desired effect. Here's how to do it right:

  • open the crane - optimally use warm water;
  • wet hands;
  • wash your hands, foaming with a hand friction hand in hand;
  • thoroughly scroll through soap foam brushes, fingers, nails, under the nails, wrists, trituration time - 15-20 seconds;
  • carefully wash soap;
  • close the crane - In public places, close the cranes and touch the door handle with a napkin or paper towel;
  • after washing, wipe your hands with a clean towel or paper napkin.

What soap is better to use? Today there is a huge assortment of soap for hand washing - expensive and cheap, synthetic and natural, liquid and solid, antibacterial, moisturizing, with various aromas and in a variety of packages. When choosing a soap you need to know:

  • The only property to which soap must have an effective hand cleansing is active foaming. All other properties of the soap on the quality of the cleansing function do not affect.
  • The daily use of antibacterial soap is undesirable, since the disinfectants included in its composition destroy the natural barrier properties of the skin. In addition, clinical studies confirm the negative effect of antibacterial soap components on the human body. The usual soap, provided the right hand washing, copes with the task of cleansing the skin no worse than antibacterial.
  • For dry, sensitive skin, it is better to use natural, moisturizing soap varieties - they do not overcame the skin, do not cause irritation.

When 1.

What to do if you wash your hands are not possible:

  • Wipe the hands with a wet antibacterial napkin. Such napkins are impregnated with antiseptic solution, which allows you to clean the skin from contamination and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Use an antiseptic gel - a small amount of gel apply to the palms and fingers and scroll throughout the surface until complete drying.


Scientists from the University of Michigan found that hand washing also contributes to the normalization of the psychological state of a person, since it allows you to free yourself from negative energy, wash off bad luck, feeling of guilt, doubt, tune in to the right, positive behavior.

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