Papillomas are benign formations on the skin, which appear due to the activity of the virus. Usually they are getting rid of medical institutions or in beauty salons with a laser. But there are a lot of effective people's ways. One of them is the economic soap. In this article we will tell how to get rid of papilloma with the help of this simple product.
What is papillomas
This is the growing epithelium that happens gradually. A warder is a damaged skin with varying degrees of pigmentation. That is why papillomas are colorless or almost black. Inside each grain there is a HPV with two nuclei, that is why papillomas are quickly growing. This happens as a result of contacting the clothes with sick and healthy areas of the skin.
Using pure soap
To do this, it is necessary to moisten the surface of the bar with water and losing it with a cotton wand. Grease all neoplasms received by foam. As soon as you notice that your wart inflamed, stop doing treatment. It is usually enough 3-14 days so that Papilloma fell off. Do not overdo it, since soap can cause severe irritation.
Advantages of economic soap
Economic soap is characterized by such advantages:
- low price;
- lack of flavors and additives;
- natural product.
In addition, this product has antibacterial properties, so perfectly copes with inflammation and neoplasms on the skin.
Ointment with a household soap from papillom
Clean the onion bulbs from the husk and grind it to a puree state. This can be done with the help of a grater and blender. Turn half the soap bar into the crumb and interfere with the onion mass. Place the composition in the refrigerator and lubricate them papillomas for 7 days. It is advisable to make compresses for the night, as the smell of ointment is very unpleasant. In the morning we rinse the skin with water and wipe dry. The neoplasm immediately darkens, and then falls off.
Remember, papillomas need to be removed immediately after their appearance, as they grow rapidly and multiply. At home, this can be done using special ointments, medicinal herbs and a household soap. It is worth considering that local funds are not enough to combat the virus. After all, the neoplasms appeared as a result of the weakening of immunity. That is why deal with its strengthening. Take the Echinacea tincture daily.
Perfectly helps the remedy from the juice Celebre. It is necessary to collect herb and wash it. Stems and flowers shred out on the meat grinder and squeeze juice. Mix it with vodka and put in a dark place for two weeks. After the time expires, the medicine for improving immunity is ready.
Thread and household soap from papillom
If you have large neoplasms on your body, which spoil your beauty, use this way. With a fine thread, tie the wart at the base, tie the nodule and cut the ends. Fold papillomes over the thread of the economic soap, pre-mixed it with water. In just 2 days, education will dry and fall off.
Remember, some papillomas can be dangerous and being precursors of cancer. Therefore, if the neoplasm inflamed and bleeding or suddenly changed the color, contact a dermatologist.
I could not remove the papillomas with the economic soap, they disappeared only after it took advantage of the apecaccide. This is a special pharmacy liquid, it destroys papillomas and does not penetrate into healthy skin, so it does not leave the scars and scars with proper use.