How to remove papillomas

How to remove papillomas

Smooth skin without defects is considered a sign of health and beauty. But the owners of perfect skin are rare. On the human body there are many minor flaws. Often they deliver psychological and physical problems, especially such not aesthetic education as Papilloma. Fortunately, it can be outlined. About the types of papilloma treatments and will be discussed in this article.

Concept of papilloma

Papillomas are benign tumors that arise not only on human skin, they can hit mucous membranes, voice ligaments, genitals, bladder, rectum. They have an arbitrary shape and a variety of sizes. The virus has many strains and is one of the most common on Earth. Depending on the strain and power of the individual system, the HPV can be in sleeping state without any symptomatic manifestations or develop in the form of tubercles on a thin leg, which is called papilloma.

Removal of papilloma laser

One of the most popular techniques. Papilloma instantly disappears under the influence of the laser. For one unit spent 25 seconds. Before conducting the procedure, local anesthetic is introduced. In the place of papillomas, the miniature crust of the baked blood remains, which should not be touched until it disappears on its own.

Apparatus Surgitron

The Surgitron apparatus removes papillomas with radio wave radiation. This technique echoes the laser removal method. The only difference is the method does not represent danger to human view. And otherwise they are identical: the procedure passes quickly, under local anesthesia, and after falling off, a healthy skin is formed.


Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -195 ° C. The doctor makes it a special device directly on papillae and freezes it, and after a few days it disappears. The underlying condition is not to overtake nitrogen, as it can cause tissue defeat. The method is almost painless, which does not require the presence of a doctor, can be carried out without painkillers. At the site of application for two weeks, Redsman is preserved. The procedure cannot be carried out on the face.

Excision scalpel

Such surgical intervention is now actually not applied. In complex areas where other methods cannot be used, innovative equipment is introduced to remove formations using fibrondoscopes with manipulators, helping without major cuts to carry out exact removal in the field of internal organs.

How to bring papillomas at home

Information on the removal of papilloma house is a familiarization, strongly recommends contacting the doctor and do not engage in self-medication:

  1. The method used by our grandmothers is to bind the base of papilloma thread. It ceases to flow food, and after a while she dries. True, there is a danger of infection or the process of benign cells in malignant!
  2. Treat the papillomas with fresh juice cleaner - a simple, but quite effective way. In order not to get a burn, it is necessary to apply it only the bumps. Juice should not fall on the skin.
  3. Use the composition of the dandelion juice, ammonia and acidic apples. The components are taken in equal proportions.
  4. Lubricate the papilloma juice of garlic. Processing is necessary before disappearance.
  5. Use castor oil. Its acids are annoyed by papilloma. Helps from small flat formations on the face. Apply with a cotton swab twice a day.
  6. Apply the tea tree oil overnight and secure the leukoplasty.
  7. Attach a banana peel to papilloma, fasten your scotch. Hold during the day, then replace.
  8. Grind several aspirin tablets and add a bit of liquid. Attach the mixture on the affected place and secure the leukoplasty. Can be used salicylic acid.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent formation of papillom, we recommend:

  • Use sexual protection tools and strictly adhere to hygiene rules.
  • Imprigize immunity, abandon bad habits, follow their mental health, to treat various infectious diseases in time.
  • If not confident in the circle of your communication, enter the vaccine against the most oncogenic species of the virus. This will help to form immunity and serve as protection against the disease. Gardasyl and Cervarix vaccines are used.

What method to use is the personal decision of each person. But the consultation of a specialist is desirable in any case. Do not feel frivolous to your health, love your body, do not allow complications. Your health is most important!

Comments leave a comment
Natasha 21/08/2020 at 1:37

Now it is true, a lot of all kinds of removal methods have come up with, even special drugs in pharmacies sell, with the help of which you can catch them yourself. I used a verbacid, he is not expensive, but Papilloma removed me from the first time, and completely painlessly and no scars in their place remained.


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