How to withdraw the sputum

How to withdraw the sputum

The first sign of the presence of pathological sputum in the body is cough. It can be dry or wet. Physiologically natural sputum performs a protective function: protects the respiratory organs from dust and harmful microorganisms. Its volume is about 100 ml, and it is imperceptibly swallowed by a person. During the illness, the secret becomes thicker, with purulent splashes, has an unpleasant smell. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take action.

Dry cough signals that the mucus is very viscous. Therefore, first need to fire. Drink more warm liquid: tea with raspberries, fruits, rosehip tincture, Borjomi.

Support air humidity at 50-70%. More often ventilate the room.

Drainage massage. Make it on the back after the heating bath. Easy stroking movements smoothly go to adultering and tapping. If there is no one to do the procedure, get on your knees and 6-8 times ahead of the torso. Spread and repeat the reception in two minutes.

Inhalation. It is allowed to do both steam and wet inhalation. They stimulate blood flow, improve drainage, reduce swelling and act only in respiratory organs. As a medication, use water mixed with salt and soda, alkaline dining water, medicinal grasses. When using the nebulizer, follow the instructions and note that it is impossible to use essential oils.


Reception of musolithic preparations. Such drugs are produced in several forms: syrups, tablets and solutions of inhalation.

Equally effective and secrets of traditional medicine:

  • Chest Collection number 4. It will be found in any pharmacy, simple preparation instructions and reception is written on the packaging.
  • Oatmeal helps even in running cases. On slow heat, boil 200 g of ordinary oats, filled with half-liters of cow's milk, about 1.5-2 hours. Sparkling grain grind and skip through the sieve. The resulting cashaty mass take the half a compartment before meals.
  • Black radish. Take a vegetable, wash and cut the core. In the resulting funnel, put honey. After a few hours, Kornemploda will let juice that drink three times a day of 1-2 teaspoons.
  • Mix in equal parts honey and freshly squeezed berries. This means use 5 ml every 2.5 hours.

Exercise only in extreme cases. If the improvement does not occur, see the doctor. He will examine you, perjudice or make an x-ray to correctly make a diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment.

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Anton 07/11/2019 at 16:12

I, too, most often with a cold of the problem with the disorder of sputum. It is usually helped by Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (he and the price is good, and the quality is also Evalarovsky. They also order on shop. Evallar and order). The wet after it begins to go well, and the cough decreases ... although, of course, I also do not neglect the usual rinsings too))

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