How to remove toxins from the body

How to remove toxins from the body

Toxins surround a person from time immemorial. They accumulate not only in the human body, but are also in the environment surrounding: air, water, food, drugs. Technical progress and change of the rhythm of the life of society contributed to a sharp increase in their concentration. The term "toxin" means poison of biological origin. Such a baggage has a bad effect on a person. Detoxification is possible natural and artificial ways.

Where toxins come from

Poisonous substances are by-product of the process of human vital activity. Usually they are derived independently by the authorities. Alcohol, smoking, low-quality food and water, polluted air, chemical composition of some medical preparations, cleaning and detergent are becoming an additional source.

Negative action of toxins

The consequences of intoxication a person can even determine independently. In the easiest cases, this is depressive mood, skin rashes, headaches, constant fatigue, aggravation of chronic diseases. In addition, changes are associated with blood. It becomes more dense, does not fulfill its nutrient delivery function. Changes in the cellular level are the appearance of anomalous cells that are isolated from the rest and can cause cancer tumors.

Types of toxins

Toxins are two types: exotoxins and endotoxins. Exotoxins attack us from the external environment. They are more poisonous, and the reaction to them occurs through a certain incubation period. Endotoxins are formed as a result of the functioning of the body and act in a short period of time.


From this the removal of toxins begins independently. One of the procedures is not the most pleasant, but effective. This is therapeutic enema. As a solution, use warm boiled water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice or grasses (chamomile, calendula). Apply 1 time in 10 days.

Cleansing the liver

To the next stage it is necessary to approach the prepared: it is necessary to eat and not consume animal products. There are two ways.

  1. In the first case, grind the green leaves of the black-flow currant. Two or three tablespoons of greenery pour 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine is ready after 3 hours. Drink three times a day by half a cup.
  2. For another recipe, you need to weld the average beet, clean it, grasp and boil the remaining water for 20 minutes. Liquid strain, divide into 4 parts and take every 4 hours.

Cleansing the kidneys

A drinking mode is very important here: about 2 liters of clean water per day. Accelerate the process of tincture with a mother-and-stepmother. For her preparation, take 2 tablespoons of grass, pour 250 ml of hot water. Insist an hour. Drink 1 tablespoon of the beam with an interval of 2 hours for two weeks.

Diet and detoxification

Well bind toxins some food. These are fresh juices and fruits, oats, artichokes and brussels, batt, lentils, yogurts and other dairy products, green tea. At the same time, refuse or limit the use of alcohol, throw smoking.

Auxiliary procedures from toxins

It will be useful to refer to secondary ways to remove toxins:

  • Bath or sauna.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Mud wraps.
  • Massage.

In the desire to become better and healthier, the main thing is not to pass the stick and do not hurry. Watch your wellness, adjust your diet and lifestyle. If necessary, consult your doctor.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 06/10/2018 at 14:19

Thanks for the useful recommendations)) Even for detoxification is good alpha lipoic acid (I usually Evalar I take) and tincture on the chamomile ... I myself take this means periodically and very satisfied - after them, it becomes better ... and it becomes better

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Luda 14/09/2021 at 17:24

When it comes to detoxification, first of all you need to get rid of the constipation, because it is because of it toxins and slags accumulate. I fighted the norms, the best tool in quality and gentlement, because the composition is completely natural-plum and the seed sheath of the plantain. In principle and for detoxification, this is exactly what is needed.

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