How to remove water from the body

How to remove water from the body

Excessive water in the body contributes to the appearance of bags under the eyes, edema, excess weight. If you notice that the legs are no longer so simple in shoes, and the weight is changing, the rings from the fingers are hard to shoot, it is worth thinking about how to derive fluid from the body while the problem did not have a global character.

How did the water delay in the body appeared

The accumulated fluid indicates that something works in your body. Maybe the case in the kidneys, they stopped cope with their loads, and maybe he brings the heart. In any case, you need to consult a doctor. However, the most common cause is poor nutrition.

Let's call the main reasons:

  • Insufficient liquid. Doctors recommend to drink at least two liters of fluid per day, if this rule is broken, the body applies a signal of a lack of water and retains it.
  • Harmful drinks. These include drinks that have a high diuretic effect. They are primarily alcohol, coffee, tea, soda.
  • Big content of salts. Salts absorb a huge amount of water, because the weight increases. To bring salt, you need more water.
  • Drink fluid at night. If you walk the water for the night, then the kidneys will be overloaded, which is why in the morning you can feel the effect of the swollen face.

How to remove water from the body with products

  • Watermelon. Beneficially affects the work of the kidneys, removes liquid and salts from the body. In addition, a melon and even cucumbers will fit remarkably. If at least once a week make unloading days on these products, you will forget about problems.
  • Birch juice. In a short time, salts, slags and liquid displays. You will notice the effect if you drink it 3 times a day.
  • Tea green and carcade. They have a sufficiently discreet diuretic effect, but still, there is. Moreover, they have a lot of useful properties, which allows them to drink them in any quantity.
  • Oatmeal and rice. Even athletes are often used in nutrition these cereals, because they are really effective.
  • Vegetables and fruits. In fresh cultures there is no salt.
  • Cabbage, pumpkin, eggplants, zucchini, apricots, apples and dried fruits of them.

Water removal methods

  • Sauna and bath. Along with the case, excessive liquid goes.
  • Exercises. Sweet glands are activated through which moisture is derived.
  • Raising legs. If you charge yourself a rule on the day to raise the legs above the level of the heart, it will help you get rid of edema faster.

Attention! In critical situations, when getting rid of edema, it is simply necessary, preparations are used: Furosemid, Diuresan, Toramsemed, Diouver.

Folk remedies for water removal from the body

  • Birch leaves. Make a tincture with them. 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist of half an hour. Straighten through the gauze, in infusion, put a slightly soda, at the tip of the knife. Use 3 times a day on a teaspoon.
  • Tea with lingonberries or rosehip. Take the berries were dried and pour them with boiling water. Drink 3 times a day.
  • Dill seeds. 1 tbsp. l. Seeds pour boiling water. Leave to catch half an hour. Straighten through the gauze and drink 100 ml. 3 times a day.
  • Compote from apple peel. Drink 5 times a day.

Remember that each method can act differently on people, something will be effective, and something is not. The best and effective treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.

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Luda 13/11/2019 at 10:22

My kidneys have not functioned very well all the time ... Therefore, the water was delayed. The doctor advised Neforten to accept and, oddly enough, drink more water, but to add potassium in citrate form to it. There are no edema anymore, and the well-being in general has become much better ... So support the health of the kidneys when the fluid is delayed - this is the most important thing))

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