How to drink water

How to drink water

Thanks to the water there is life on our planet. The person also consists of 70% of the water, and therefore it has to use enough pure water every day.

How much do you need to drink water a day?

Scientists have brought that our body requires 30 ml of pure water (not tea, juice, and the like), per 1 kg of weight. So, a healthy adult person, weighing about 60 kg, you need to drink about 2 liters of water a day, and in the hot season of the year - 3 liters.

The exception is only pregnant women and people suffering from edema. For them, the amount of water you want to drink can be prescribed by the doctor.

Why do you need so much to drink water?

  • Heart, kidney and brain per day roll about 1000 liters of liquid.
  • We lose 2-3 l liquids per day with then and other natural discharge.
  • Water supplies the body with useful trace elements.
  • With liquid, harmful substances obtained by us from poor-quality foods are derived.
  • Water maintains the performance of the entire complex system of the body.
  • If you do not drink a sufficient amount of water, there is dehydration of the body, and there are all serious sores in humans.

What if you don't want to drink water?

With great pleasure, only people engaged in extensive physical exertion drink with great pleasure, as they lose plenty of water.

If a person drinks a lot of tea or juice, he doesn't want to drink water, but besides tea, you need to drink and put the amount of water.

Also, I do not want to drink water in the cold season, and you need to force yourself to drink the amount of water. In order not to forget to drink water, pour it into a bottle and leave in a prominent place, or put a reminder on the phone.

What water do you need to drink to be useful?

Water with a slight alkali content from a well or spring, but if so is not, then you can improve the property of water:

  • Freezing the water, and then talked to drink.
  • Retail, but it should be remembered that boiled water is dead water, it is not useful.
  • And, the best way - skip the usual water and spring water through the filter.

How do you need to drink water correctly?

  • It is useful to drink 1-2 cup of clean water in the morning on an empty stomach to fill the nightlife of the body in water and resume the intestinal work.
  • It is also useful to drink water (0.5-1 cup) for half an hour before meals to prepare the intestine for reception.
  • It is also desirable to drink water in 1-2.5 hours after meals.
  • Drunk 1 cup of water for 1-2 hours before bedtime reduces the risk to get sulculated and infarction.
  • If you are going to do physical exercises, also half an hour walk water to create a stock of water that will be needed to highlight the sweat.
  • Right drinking water - it means to drink it in small sips.
  • The most useful for the body is considered water room temperature (not higher than 38 ° C), too cold or hot water is not so useful.
  • Sometimes the body confuses thirst with a feeling of hunger, stands at this time to drink water - and there is no longer wanting.
  • Water with several drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, it is better quenched thirst, and besides, after her, the satiety in the body is felt longer, and hence it helps to lose weight.
  • It is also useful for water with honey (for 1 cup of water 1 teaspoon of honey), in the afternoon they drink cold water, for the night - warm. Water with honey cleans the liver well, helps with constipation.
  • You need to take yourself a rule - drink water after each visit toilet.
  • If you drink a very carbonated water, try to release part of the bubbles from it.

So, now we know to live for a long time and do not hurt, you need to drink more water in pure form.

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