How to drink absinthe right

How to drink absinthe right

Absinthe is an alcoholic beverage containing about 80% of alcohol. The main component of the "green fairies", as elsewhere is called absinthe due to bright emerald color - the extract of wormwood bitter. The drink was invented at the end of the 18th century in Switzerland, where it was originally taken as a medicinal tincture from rheumatism, gouts, gastric pains and believed, almost panacea from all diseases. The tool has become so popular that by the beginning of the XIX century it was patented and began to sell as usual alcohol.

Absurately bitter tasted and use it in pure form is not recommended, but there are different ways to feed this alcohol that help reduce the fortress and hide bitterness of the beverage.

How to drink absinthe right - popular ways

Absinthe can not be the main alcohol drink that guests are treated throughout the parties. "Green Fee" is served before meals, in small quantities, diluted with water, tonic or juice. There are many interesting and unusual ways to drink absinthe.

How to drink absinthe right in french

Pour 40 ml of absinthe in the fuels, put a special spoon with holes, on it - a piece of raffinad. Then, with sugar, pour 100 ml of cold water when the fluid is motifable - absinthe can be drunk.

How to drink absinthe correctly in Czech

To the edge of a glass of thick glass, lower a spoon with holes (you can plug), top-cube sugar. Pour it 30 ml of absinthe and adjust. When the whole piece is melted and stacked with burning drops in a pile - put off the burning absinthe. Solo orange Cool the edges of the glass and add cold freas or water.

IMPORTANT: With any cooking beverage, comply with absinthe and Fluids - 1: 3.

Young people are in demand caramel absinthe. He is preparing the same as Czech, the only difference is not the sugar, but a drink poured in a glass.

How to drink absinthe right in Russian

Fill the glass and burn up absinthe. After a couple of seconds, cover the liquid with an empty glass. As soon as the fire goes out, break the drink into the glass, and throw the napkin on the glass and turn up the bottom. Will stick a straw and inhale alcoholic pairs, then drink the coolest absinthe. The option is easier - mix the sugar with water 1: 2, the resulting syrup is in absinthe.

How to drink citrus absinthe correctly

Cut the orange slice with a peel, sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Pour the gear of absinthe, adjust, and hold a piece of citrus with a tweezers over the flame. Put on the fruit for a fork to get juice. As soon as the slices burn, extinguish absinthe. Having cooled drink through the straw.

How to drink absint-aperitif correctly

One-piece absinthe taste taste, but there are lovers who use it as an aperitif to increase appetite. If you want to try such a drink, cool it before serving up to 0º and drink more than 30 grams.

To note: Halfweed exhaust contains tuyon, a substance with a hallucinogenic property, so do not use absinthe large doses.

How to drink absinthe right - cocktails

Not everyone likes the taste of absinthe, but the cocktails with his participation are trying even a fair sex representative.

  • Connect 30 ml of lemon juice and 20 grams. Honey in a water bath. Pour the mixture into a cocktail glass, add 30 ml of absinthe - get a two-layer yellow-green drink.
  • In a tall glass, put ice, pour alternately - 120 ml of apple juice, 25 ml of banana syrup, 40 ml of absinthe, decorate lemon.
  • Shake in a shaker of 30 ml of absinthe, egg liqueur, cream, strong coffee. Pour into a wide conical glass, add ice.

How to drink absinthe right - useful tips

  • The undeveloped absinthe is taken to be submitted in glasses, divorced - in the Stemogram glasses.
  • The absint-aperitif of snacks is not relying.
  • If you have diluted absinthe goes like a main drink - offer tangerines, bitter chocolate, cheese, olives.

Absinthe is an outstanding, a fantastic drink that is easy to cook at home, the main thing is to know the measure and use it in the recommended doses.

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