How to drink black absinthe

How to drink black absinthe

Black absinthe is different from other varieties (yellow, red, green) in that the roots of wormwood are used for its preparation, and not inflorescences and leaves. Black Acacia gives the drink dark color and berry-liqueur notes. Drink black absinthe several traditional ways.

Czech way. Lighter heat the spoon for absinthe and, until she cooled, put it on a glass. Top putting a piece of sugar. Pour a bit of absinthe to sugar so that it is in the form of sugar sirop in a glass. You can dilute the drink with water.

Second Czech way. Pour a little black absinthe into a glass. Sugar a piece of sugar in it, put it on a spoonful for absinthe, and a spoon on a glass with a drink. After the sugar is impregnated with absinthe, the raffin must be set fire. Behind the handle gently lift the spoon to sugar syrup stack into a glass. When sugar goes out, put it in absinthe and pretend three times more water than alcohol. Carefully mix the contents of a glass with a spoon.

French way. Take such a glass so that one part of the absinthe and 5 parts of the water could fit. Put on a glass spoon for absinthe. To lay a piece of raffinad and gradually pour 5 parts of the water right on sugar, watching all the water through holes in a spoon got into a glass. You can dilute the bitter taste of a small slice of lemon.

Russian way. Dilute abspenter sugar syrup to taste. Drink ready. This option is not entirely convenient because the ratio of syrup and absinthe is not always easy to pick up the first time.

The fortress of the real black absinthe should be at least 70%. Only with such a high alcohol content you can save the essential oils of wormwood. Absinthe with a smaller fortress is most likely diluted or sweetened. It is not worth waiting for such drinks supernatural sensations.

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