How to drink strong drinks

How to drink strong drinks

It is difficult to present a solemn event without strong alcoholic beverages on the table. From the abundance of beautiful labels sometimes disassembled eyes. Correctly drinking a glass or a glass with a gibbing fluid - a pledge of a good evening "climax".

All significant events in Russia are marked with vodka. Distinguishing vodka on an empty stomach and in large quantities it is not recommended at all, although good vodka drinks easily.
Pour a drink of 50 g of glasses to drink a volley - a successful idea.
We make one deep exhale, and drink on the breath. So it will be possible to avoid the "impact" of alcoholic vapors into the nose. Snow down, eat or drink, everyone decides for itself, but the latter is not recommended. Do not interfere with vodka with other alcohol and do not make cocktails out of it, it's terribly drunk.

Cognac - luxury and noble alcoholic drink. The drinking brandy in the festive atmosphere and beautiful clothes is considered absolutely correct.
Pour a small amount of drink in a glass and touch your fingers until the outer wall. The presence of prints on the other side of the glade suggest that brandy is really high-quality. Next, slightly rotate the glass, in the footsteps on the walls of the glass, the shutter speed is determined, and the longer the time interval of the "legs", the more it is.
Blooming from the fragrant drink for a while and only after that we drink it in small sips, enjoying a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
Coffee with cognac or tea with cognac - any combination of women. Sweeze with a brandal bathing, if suddenly pulled into sleep.

Temple - an alcoholic beverage drink is used in different ways. Consider the two most common:
Whole tequila - volley. I licked the salt from the outside of the palm and eat the lonster slice after tipping a glass - this is a classic version of the use of a "cactus moonshine".
In a cocktail - savoring. The most famous "Margarita", where three pieces of tequila are used in the composition, and the rest is Lyme juice, orange liquor and ice cubes. Cocktail is sipped through the tube slowly.

Rum is silent differently, but once, a long time ago, it was dirty directly from bottles. Modern connoisseurs of true taste drink rum in glasses or glasses (desposed Rum) in pure form before eating to excite appetite. Enjoy its smell and warming the contents of the container with warm hands. We resell in small sips, and the cytrus snack will perfectly fit into the company to Roma.
Ice rum is popular with the ladies, but the real connoisseurs of the tap taste do not perceive such additives seriously.
Classic low alcohol cocktails are embossed precisely with Roma, the bitter taste at the same time is completely lost.
Drink rum with soda or cola is an American. And cigar and rum - Cuban classic.

Whiskey is a high-quality moonshine, weathered in barrels, and drink it cold. Warm whiskey smells with alcohol. Interest is the fact that whiskey drink from various glasses, ranging from glass and ending with glasses in the form of tulips. Real connoisseurs have in stock all kinds of glass.
In a quiet home furnishings or in the company of close friends are well cooled (you can add ice cubes into a glass) Whiskey We resell in small sips, holding in the mouth, enjoying the aroma.
And there should be no extra smells on the table, because it is only so you can truly enjoy a good whiskey.

What alcohol will celebrate fun, to solve you, the main thing is to know the measure. Children, pregnant women and weakened diseases people are strong alcoholic beverages are contraindicated.

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