Cognac is an elite alcoholic drink that is produced from grapes on special technology. But, unfortunately, often in the store you can meet a fake. How to distinguish a real quality brandy from falsification?
Look at his consistency. High-quality cognac should be thick and oily. In order to check, you need to flip the bottle upside down. If one big drop flows from the bottom and the walls are visible on the walls, then you are a real drink. It happens that the bottle is filled so much that it is not to check in this way. Then, turning the bottle, you need to look at the bubbles. If you first climb large and then small is also a quality indicator.
Cognac color also matters. It should be transparent without any impurities. Color saturation depends on the exposure time, the amount of added caramel and the state of oak barrels in which it is stored. If there is an impurity or a turbulent color in cognac, then it is impossible to drink it.
The quality of brandy can be determined at the price. Production This drink is a very time-consuming and time-long process, so the price of a good brandy is quite high. Seeing the famous brand in the store at a low price - do not share this drink of low quality.
When this drink is selected, attention should be paid to the label. Manufacturers of expensive cognacs do not spare materials for the creation of a truly elite label. It is correct, symmetrically glued, has bulges, which are reminded to the touch reminded cash bills. The label shows all the necessary data: manufacturer, excerpt, composition, etc. Attention should be paid to the presence of an excise stamp. If the label is made of low-quality material, it has a bad impression, it is obscured unevenly, such a brandy should not be purchased.
And finally tasting. When tasting you need to evaluate the smell of brandy. This - has a pleasant aromatic bouquet, which changes in evaporation. To check this, it is enough to pour a few drops into a glass and spill them all over the glass. Initially, this is an oak aroma, turning into the smell of tobacco and fruit. The fake gives itself a pronounced alcohol smell.
Do not forget that the use of this noble drink in moderate doses, has a positive effect on the body. But the main thing is to learn to determine the quality product.