How to clean the alcohol at home

How to clean the alcohol at home

For those who prefer spirits homemade or engaged in wine-making, is very topical issue of alcohol treatment. There are several proven effective and affordable way to achieve almost perfect results. About them in order.

The lower the degree of the drink, the higher the quality of its cleaning. To purify well alcohol from bad smell, harmful impurities, dilute it with water to the desired degree using a special device - hydrometer. Usually it is 45 degrees. Water is better to take a soft, preferably spring.

Cleaning alcohol can use soda. In homemade moonshine formed alcohol compound contains oxygen and acetic acid. Neutralize it by adding soda to drink. In one liter of beverage, add baking soda pinch, about 1 gram.

With the help of potassium permanganate bought at the pharmacy, you can be nice to clear the alcohol at home. In one liter of alcohol-containing beverage (vodka) add 2.1 grams of potassium permanganate, stir thoroughly, and leave at least 10 hours. Then, after beverage and fall posvetleet precipitate, the mixture was filtered. As a filter, you can use a home water filter or make his own hands: in a plastic bottle cut the bottom of the cover to make holes in the neck to insert a piece of cotton, turn the bottle.

Next alcohol purification method - milk or egg white. Under the influence of alcohol protein folds, while it absorbs the impurities. So to lighten the cooking broth. When the alcohol cleaning milk similar process - Milk minimized harmful particles adhere thereto, precipitates. Then drink it is necessary filtered.

Clear Alcohol can with the help of black bread. Fusel oils are absorbed into the bread, the alcohol is purified and becomes a pleasant aroma.

An effective way to purify alcohol-containing beverages - freezing. When freezing, the sigh oil is attached to the vessel walls, clean alcohol remains in the bottle. It remains only to pour it into another container. Vodka should be frozen at temperatures -28-29 degrees, and dry wine at a temperature of -5 degrees.

A very popular method of cleaning alcohol - with coal. Coal absorbs an unpleasant smell, absorbs impurities. Activated coal (or entorosgel) can be bought at the pharmacy or in the store to purchase birch coal - it gives the best result. Coals fall asleep into the pan, finely destroyed and pour vodka (50 grams per 1 liter). Insist the mixture about one week, periodically stirring. Then beverage filter. This process can be repeated for improving the result several times, replacing coal fresh.

Do I need to clean the alcohol if 100 degrees are in it? A check on the "purity" of alcohol can be done at home. To do this, take a glass or mirror, thoroughly rinse with hot water using cleaning products without additives. Do not rub, it should dry itself and have no divorce. Drip on the glass a few drops of alcohol, let dry. If there are no traces on the glass, there are no juice oils in alcohol and other harmful impurities. For another check - take a glass of distilled water, it should not roll like on fat surfaces.

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