Moonshine is manufactured by distillation of alcohol braga at home. If you use it, without cleaning the seawous oils, the hangover will be quite strong. But this is not the main danger, it is possible to be quite strongly poisoned by a poor-quality alcohol, which promises long-term treatment. The product, fortress above forty degrees, very poorly separates the fusion oils. Before cleaning the moonshine, you need to give a day to stand and lower in the fortress, with water, preferably distilled. There are several ways with which the low-quality product is turned into a good alcoholic beverage.
If your moonshine has already been brought to approximately forty degrees and you want to clean it, then you need to add warranny. Pour a little substance into a jar with a moonshine and stir so that it becomes pink. Put the container to stand for several days in a dark place. At the bottom there will be precipitation. Moonshine should be accurately merged without disturbing this precipitate, it can be merged with a hose, so more chances that precipitation is not overhanging.
This method can be cleaned by the moonshine during distillation. You need to open the activated carbon and make a filter from it. On the bottom of the funnel, through which the drink is collected, you should put a layer of gauze, pour coal and cover the fabric layer again. It turns out a filter, passing through which the moonshine will be quite good from the sigh oil.
An alcoholic product with freezing was purified in ancient. The moonshine fell into a strong barrel and put on the frost. After some time, the water frozen. Unimpeal liquid merged. Suggest oils remained in frozen water. It is not necessary to wait for the winter to apply this method in practice, it is enough to put the jar in the freezer. In this way, you can not only clean, but also raise the degree of mogon.
Good cleaning method brew - via milk. Absolutely safe method, which is combined with the other. You need to make one hundred and fifty grams of milk for ten liters of moonshine. Strength of the product should not exceed sixty degrees. Qualitatively, stir and close the bottle stopper. Then it must be put in a dark place at room temperature for seven days. The first time the bottle should be shaken every day. At the bottom of the tank falls sediment. Then pour vodka, preferably through a hose and filter the. The disadvantage of this method is that the drink got a little unclear.
Well proven method of cleaning the charcoal. Pour into a bottle pulverized coal at the rate of fifty grams per liter. Insist need up to three weeks and regularly shake the bottle several times a day. Then follows a week to leave the container at rest, so that carbon powder sank to the bottom. Further brew carefully decanted and filtered.
After performing any of the methods to improve the taste of the product can be put in brew pod pepper, lemon peel, galangal root or something else. Improvise!