How to cook tincture

How to cook tincture

There are no accurate data when people came up with an alcohol to insist on other components. Presumably, this knowledge came from the east. The manufacture of tinctures on medicinal herbs and not only was delivered to the ancient countries, and already from there - in the Western and territory of Russia. In Russia, the first tincture that has gained popularity was vodka made by Erofey. Vodka insisted on nuts, mint and anise. Well, then different experiments with alcohol began, and many cunning recipes appeared experimentally. Often the smell and taste of berries and different grass masked poor-quality moonshine.

Before you begin to insist vodka and make a tincture, you need to study the basic rules and principles of the manufacture of the drink, although at first glance this case seems simple. The tincture should have a fortress about forty-five degrees, and it is necessary to add, except for different herbs and berries, the required amount of sugar. Yes, and the process of insteading is not fast, wait for about two months. And if you earlier reveal the bottle, then the taste of the tincture will be incomplete. The principle of insistence is that substances from the components of the tincture penetrate vodka. This is just the result in two months. The process can be accelerated by heating, but in this case the taste of the drink will become different. The tinctures are often confused with emphasis, but the latter are obtained in the fermentation of the product, or if the alcohol is mixed with the berry syrup. And the fortress of emphasis hesitates within twenty degrees.

It is best to produce tincture on simple alcoholic beverages such as vodka and alcohol. It is easier to do them, and there will be no surprises with taste. More difficult to use gin, rum or whiskey. Tincture with these drinks may have an unpredictable taste. To taste, color and smell were brighter and rich, components - berries, herbs and roots - need to put more. True, juice from berries will make the drink fortress a little weaker, and in this area it is necessary to seek a reasonable middle by samples and errors.

Storage containers with tincture is better done at room temperature. With a higher process will accelerate, and the taste of the tincture will change. Open a bottle and try how insteading passes, you can not earlier than two weeks, only then you can feel the taste and smell. Ready or no tincture, determine better by external inspection. When the color of the vodka becomes the same as berries, you can stop insist. The last step is filtering. Contents need to be strain through the siete - and the tincture is ready. Berries are better not to press, but the pulp will fall into the tincture and it will be muddy.

Recipes of some Navy will be submitted below. For the preparation of the black-based drink, take two kilograms of blackberries, fill with alcohol so that the berries are covered. Add two liters of sugar syrup, Vanillin is the tenth of a gram, three grams of citric acid. Insist about two months.

Nut. Green walnuts - 400 grams - chop and pour high-quality vodka (0.5 l) and insist a month and a half. Then add one tablespoon of honey.

Mandaris tincture. Grind six spoons of tangerine crusts, pour high-quality vodka, add some sugar syrup and insist half a month in a cool place.

Pepper. In two liters of vodka, pumped sixty grams of pepper. Insist a half-seater in a warm place. Then filter and add sugar syrup. A glass of sugar on three glasses of water, clog and insist three more weeks in warmth.

If the tincture is to stand in the dark, then the drink will turn out to be darker and rich. If in a bright sun - then the bright color will not work, it will burn, and the setting will acquire the taste of smoke or smoked.

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