How to make lique

How to make lique

Liqueurs are fragrant drinks, which according to traditions are served after lunch or dinner and use small doses. The names of the liqueurs are obtained from grass or berries, on which they are irrevocated. Homemade liqueurs are prepared in two ways: sugar, alcohol or vodka are added to the finished juice of berries or fruits; Berries or herbs are poured with vodka and insist.

When they make a liqueur, then different spices add different spices for the flavor and specific taste. This row of spices includes cinnamon, black pepper, carnation, citrus grains, coffee grains and many different roots with various taste. For the preparation of some liqueurs require more than twenty fragrant plants and spices.

When preparing a liquor, the components are locked. The process of making a liqueur is called swimming. Simply put, there is mixing of different ingredients in certain proportions according to the recipe. The main components will be vodka or alcohol and water. Additional - different aromatic composite, actually what makes a liqueur liqueur. Under such conditions, it is not easy to achieve a saturated taste and aroma, so the selection of ingredients is done neatly and carefully, it is necessary to improvise. Record your improvisation to in order to be a good liquor, his recipe was not lost.

Berry liquors are very popular. For the preparation of a liqueur from raspberry, do it. Take one kilogram of raspberries and thoroughly thoring it, then the raspberry mass is poured by one liter of alcohol and give fifteen days. Infusion you need to periodically shake. Then they take a kilogram of sugar, fall asleep into liter of water and boil syrup, cooled it and poured in infusion. Give a last couple of weeks. After that, filtered and bottled.

Strawberry liquor is preparing so. Take a kilogram of fresh strawberries, pour it into a container and fill with alcohol to be covered with a berry. Insist two days in a warm and dark place, and then drain the alcohol. Fill the same strawberries in one liter of water and insist three days, then add two kilograms of sugar and weld the syrup. Alcohol mix with syrup and stand ten days. Then filter and spill in tanks.

A popular liqueur of herbs is mint. Prepare twenty mint sheets and fill them with a liter of vodka. Close tight and insist two weeks. After the vodka is filtered, a glass of sugar is falling asleep into it and heated so that it dissolves. After cooling, the liquor can be poured on the bottle.

For a pink liqueur, collect tea rose petals, pour into the bottle and pour with vodka. Insist on the sun week. Then drain and filter vodka. From liter of water and a kilogram of sugar, weld the syrup and, giving it cool, mix with vodka. You can add a little food dye for color.

Liquor from nuts is also a fairly popular drink. Take with fifty green walnuts, cut them in half, pour into the container and pour the alcohol liter. Add cinnamon and cloves, block and insist a month. Then drain the alcohol and mix with sugar syrup, cooked one to one. Let break ten days - and you can taste.

To get a fragrant coffee liquor, act as follows. Fifty grams of ground natural coffee must be pouring with one glass of water and boil. It follows a couple of days in a closed dish. Then the decoction must be filtered and add a liter of vodka. Add a glass of sugar to this mixture and warm up so that sugar melted. Then the week insist, filtered and bottled.


As you can see, the preparation of the liquor occupies a much less time than the manufacture of wine, because the finished products are used and the technological process is simplified accordingly.

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