Mint jam - recipe

Mint jam - recipe

Mint jam, although it has such a name, resembles a syrup rather. But this unusual delicacy does not get worse - it is necessary to prepare it. This jam has a very beautiful green color and a rather original mint-lemon taste.

Ingredients for jams from mint

You will need a fairly large bundle of fresh mint. If there is an opportunity, then weigh it - it should be 150 grams. Still buy one big lemon or a small lime and then take half of the lemon to lime. Also prepare 300 g of small sugar and 300 ml of spring water or drinking from the bottle.

Technology preparation of jams from mint

Well wash the mint and citrus and dry them with napkins or towel. Next, start cooking:

  • Mint bane knife and fold into a deep saucepan.
  • Lemon and lime cut into thin circles along with the skin. Remove bones. Put the slices to the mint.
  • Citrus and mint fill with all the water and weld the peculiar compote. Boil the mixture under the lid for 10-15 minutes on very slow heat.
  • Remove the saucepan from the fire and allow the mixture to cool and brew. Inspection spend hours 10-12 hours.
  • Straighten the mixture and pour the liquid into a small copper pelvis for jam. You can use the multicooker's bowl or the container of the bread machine. If you are going to use any of the listed electrical appliances, make sure that they have a "jam" function.
  • In the fragrant decoction, pour all sugar and mix gently.
  • Put a few fresh mint leaves into a half-cornfit - it is already for beauty.
  • Cook the jam from mint 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. When cooking do not forget to remove the foam.

Cheat from mint with lemon or lime store in the refrigerator. This is a delicacy, though quite thick, but for filling in pies or pie is clearly not suitable. It is better to smear on hot toasts and serve closer tea or coffee. Based on this jam, you can also prepare a cocktail "Mojito". For him, mix in a shaker 200 ml of sprite drink, 100 ml of good vodka and 100 ml of jam. When feeding in glasses, put ice cubes.

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