Kiwi jam - recipe

Kiwi jam - recipe

Kiwi is not just an exotic fruit from overseas countries, but also a delicious source of vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients. It is consumed in the fresh form, add to salad mixes from fruits, make Freasha, but few people know that it turns out just excellent jam. Colorful jars with amber delicacy will perfectly decorate your winter piggy bank. And you will find recipes for culinary masterpieces from Kiwi in this article.

The Chinese gooseberry has long ceased to be perceived as a wonder on our table, because it can be bought at any grocery store. But not everyone knows that his cultural cultivation began only century ago. Its unusual shade and sweet-acid notes beneficially emphasize the taste and aroma of fruit desserts, cocktails and even meat dishes. And you can please the kids and surprise our guests the "emerald" know-how, having prepared jam.

Classic version of jam from kiwi

To prepare the jam, it will take: 1.5 kg of ripe kiwi, near a kilogram of sugar-sand, 15 mg of lemon juice or 5 g of citric acid.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the fruits with water and remove the leather with a knife.
  • Cut the berries with slices or large cubes.
  • Fold Kiwi in a pelvis or a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom.
  • Top sprinkled berries juice.
  • Put the dishes on the small gas and boil to the formation of a puree, stirring constantly.
  • When Kiwi is completely welded, pour prepared sugar.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce gas, and boil for 20 minutes.
  • While jam is negotiated, prepare banks: Carefully wash and sterilize the method convenient for you.
  • Then spread the jam into clean banks.

Fast jam from kiwi in a slow cooker

Components: 1 kg kiwi, 0.7 kg of sugar, 15 mg (1 art. L.) Of any citrus juice.

How to cook:

  • Remove the peel with berries and cut them with small slices.
  • Put kiwi, sugar and pour juice into the multicooker's bowl.
  • Select the "Ward" mode, and set the timer at a set of 45 minutes.
  • Dessert can be rolled or kept in the refrigerator.

Kiwi jam with strawberries

Required products: 1 kg of ripe kiwi, 0.7 kg of strawberry, 3 medium banana, 800-1000 g of sugar (depending on the sweetness of kiwi), 10 g of vanilla sugar (1/2 bag), 30 ml of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  • Fruits wash and clean the fruit.
  • Kiwi Cut the cubes, bananas - slices, strawberries - Quarters.
  • Squake them with citrus juice and pour sugar.
  • Leave Assorted for 3 hours so that the berries let juice.
  • Put the jam on the stove, bring it to a boil and boil 10 minutes, removing the foam regularly.
  • Welcome jam and tailor it again 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure for the third time and burst the jam on sterilized banks.

Several secrets of successful cooking jam from kiwi

  • For preservation, it is better to acquire a slightly submerged Kiwi berries with dense consistency and gentle acid.
  • Kiwi is perfectly combined with spicy herbs, dried fruits and nuts.
  • Instead of sugar-sand, you can experiment with brown sugar or honey.
  • Combining kiwi with citrus, bananas, strawberries and other berries, jam acquires an exquisite new aftertaste.

Opening a jar with a gentle-emerald kushan, you can only turn the most ordinary breakfast into an incredible feast. Try to diversify your menu so easy in cooking jam, and you will never be indifferent to it.

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