Melon jam - recipe

Melon jam - recipe

If you are in a season of berries and fruits always boil jam, then do not be lazy and go back to the winter of an unusually beautiful and delicious jam of melon. It is not absolutely difficult to cook it, but in winter you can surprise your relative and friends with delicious dessert.

Ingredients for melon jam

Melon with a very dense flesh come for jam. You can even use not entirely allowed that have not very sweet taste. So, prepare:

  • melon flesh - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg and 200 g;
  • water - 375 ml;
  • vanillin - at the tip of the knife;
  • lemon acid - on the tip of the knife.

Preparation of melon for jam

Cut the melon into two halves and remove the seeds from it - use a large spoon. Clean the halves of melon from the peel and cut them with slices of about 1.5 cm wide. Next, these slices cut into small pieces. Try to be rectangular and the same size. Prepared cubes to lower in boiling water and hold them in it for 5 minutes. With the help of a noise, put the blanched melon on a sieve to flow from it with liquid.

Ward jam made of melon

For jam, use water in which melon pieces blanched. It takes exactly a half cup. The exact preparation technology will be further described:

  • From water and sugar, welcome syrup.
  • In syrup, while he is still hot, put pieces of prepared melon.
  • Hold the melon in the syrup 8 hours.
  • Put the jam on a very small fire and boil it after boiling it 5 minutes.
  • Send jam from the fire and let it be in the cold of 8 hours.
  • Paragraph 4 and 5 repeat two more times, withstanding boiling time and insistence.
  • The last, fourth time, bring the jam to a boil and at this moment put in it citric acid and vanillin. Cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Hot jam bully hot banks and block them with hot lids.

If you exactly keep the cooking technology, then as a result, you will get quite dense transparent pieces of melon in syrup. The melon will resemble the candied, so it can be used to decorate cakes and cakes.

Melon jam is distinguished by an unusual bright color and aroma. Suddenly you do not like Vanillin very much, you can use lemon as flavoring. Take a quarter of the lemon and cut it with thin half rings. Add it to the future jam at first boiling. Lemon slices from the finished jam do not remove. They will look very nice in a transparent outlet when you feed this dessert to tea.

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