How to cook plum jam

How to cook plum jam

How nice in winter to open a jar of fragrant plum jam! It can be spoons, serve to cheesets, ice cream, dessert or use as a filler for pies, knots, rolls.

Drain jam every hostess prepares in its own way: liquid, thick with pieces or transparent with floating halves. Our selection contains the most popular and simple recipes for plum delicacy.

How to cook plum jam - Easy way

We calculate all recipes based on the plums without bones.

Tip: For the workpiece, take the fruits of the same ripeness, then they will prepare at the same time, and the jam will not darken.

You will need: 1 kg of drain, 500 gr. Sugar, 3 glasses of water, aluminum or copper basin, spoon.

  • Wash the fruit, remove the bone with a knife, divide the fruits on the halves.
  • Pour water into the container, add sugar, warm to its complete dissolution.
  • Lower plums in syrup, boil 20 minutes. Remove the foam, remove the dishes from the stove.
  • After half an hour, boil the contents of two minutes, then depart the fire to a minimum and the Tomite of Plums a quarter of an hour.

Highlights of hot mass on sterilized cans, roll off covers. This jam will be liquid for filling, but perfectly suitable for pancakes, sweet casseroles, milk porridge.


How to cook dense plum jam

It is more difficult to prepare a rack dish with a nonbilling piece of fruit. You will need at least a day of free time. Take a kilogram of plums, sugar and water to a half cup.

  • In the welded syrup fold the fruits. Bring to a boil and disconnect the fire. Leave for swelling.
  • After five hours, heals the mass and boil ten minutes. Forget about plums for 6 hours.
  • This manipulation is repeated twice twice, and a gentle dessert, with a reddish brown berries floating in the burgundy syrup, you have on the table.

Spread the jam on the jars, seal, remove the future, to rainily autumn evenings, feeding it to home tea, raise your mood.

Plum pieces

How to cook plum jacket

Do you often bake sweet pies? So, the recipe for a jacket from the draining will have to you by the way. Preparing it simply, if you follow the recipe: plums - 1 kg, water - 250 ml, sand - 700 gr.

  • Purified fruits immerse in the scenery. Pour water. Boil 15 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove and wipe the cooled mass through the sieve. Cake throw out, and a juicy puree put in the pelvis, suck sugar, pour 0.5 glasses of boiling water. Cook half an hour.
  • Pooked is considered ready when when stirring it starts sticking to a spoon.
  • Spread the jam in the prepared container, close the plastic covers, store in the refrigerator.

If you want to get marmalade, fruit boil for 20 minutes longer. Next, pour the mass into a low shape, departed with parchment paper. Put sweets in a cool place. After a day, remove the delicacy, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar powder.


How to cook jam five-minute drop

I want to pamper close to a plum confiture, but there is not enough time on his cooking? There is a way out - weld five minutes and get a tasty and vitamin jam.

  • Prepare a syrup of 1.5 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water.
  • Two kilograms of plums laid in a saucepan with boiling syrup. Prepare in intense heat seven minutes.
  • Turn off the gas, remove the foam, fill in jam glass or ceramic dishes.

The five-minute one is good for every day to tea and indispensable in the flu season and colds.

Five minutes

How to cook jam from plums with apples

A very tasty jam is obtained if you take plums and apples 1: 1. In this case, the ingredients cut into the same pieces. Pure fruits Place in the raging syrup, add 1 tsp. Cinnamon, 5 green cardamom boutons. Boil 35 minutes. Remove from the fire, roll in banks.


What to cook jam, decide for yourself. Cook, experiment, add your original components to the recipe and enthusiastic reviews of the tasters are provided to you.

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