How to cook jam from ranetas

How to cook jam from ranetas

Ranetki is the common name of very small apple fruits. Ranetki is sometimes called "paradise apples" or "hearts". The second name refers to the fruits that ripen on wild apple trees - these trees grow on the edges of the forests. They have more dense fruits, but more fragrant than cultural garden.

How to cook jam from ranets - the choice of fruits

Different varieties of fine apples have different fruit size. Apple can be the size of the cherry, and can be the size of a large plum. Only the method of their cuts before cooking depends on the size of small fruits.

How to cook jam from Ranetas - Preparation for cooking

Remove the fruits from the trees. Well wash them with water and dry. You can leave the smallest and not even remove the long tail. Middle and slightly size cut on halves or quarters. Seeds when cutting, you should not remove - they give the jam a special spicy fragrance. Whole apples are covered in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail to the depth to the middle. Use wooden toothpicks.

How to cook jam from ranets classic

Take such ingredients:

  • Apples - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg.
  • Water - 2.5 glasses.
  • Lemonic acid - 0.5 ppm

How to cook:

  • Cook syrup from all the water, sugar and citric acid.
  • In the hot syrup, lower the prepared rakanks and let them stand without boiling 3-4 hours. So that the syrup completely covered all the fruits, put a wide porcelain dish on them, and install any load on it (floor liter jar with water).
  • After 4 hours, stop the pelvis on the fire and achieve slow boiling. Remove the foam with jam.
  • Boil the jam is only 5 minutes. Do not mix jam so that the apples do not lose their integrity. It is better to take a big spoon and scratching boiling syrup, water the fruits.
  • Send jam from the stove and let it breed 8 hours. Do not forget about the dish with cargo.
  • Put the pelvis on the fire again and cook another 5 minutes.
  • Hold the jam again 8 hours without boiling, and then brought to a boil.
  • Hot jam spread over sterilized banks and tighten with sterilized covers.

To check the readiness of the wound, remove one apple from the syrup and cut it with a sharp knife. In a properly welded jam, the cut apple will resemble marmalade, i.e. The pulp will be translucent.

How to cook jam from Ranetas ginger and lemon

This jam is not only tasty, but also very useful in winter cold.

  • Pour in pelvis 200 ml of water and pour 600 g of sugar sand. Cook syrup.
  • In the syrup, put the quarters of the lemon, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, and 1 cm of the root of ginger, also sliced \u200b\u200bslices. Cook the ginger and lemon in the syrup of 10 minutes.
  • In hot syrup, put 1 kg of small apples.
  • Bring the jam to a boil and boil it for 5 minutes.
  • Further act in the same way as in the previous recipe (eight-hour posting, five-minute cooking, eight-hour exposure and final cooking).

How to cook jam from ranets on a mixture of fruit juices

This jam boil in the same way as the two previous ones, but for the syrup, take a mixture of juices (apple - 1 cup, orange - 1 cup, cranberry - 1 cup). Sugar on 3 glasses of liquid you will need 2.5 kg, and small-scale irrigation - 3 kg.

Wild ranek jams are boiled in the same way as all the previous ones. Before three main cooking, the diet must be additionally boiled in ordinary water to their easy softening. Further on this fragrant water can be made syrup, and its excess to use for a compote.

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