How to cook an egg to the bag

How to cook an egg to the bag

Boiled eggs, how can not be suitable for breakfast or light daily snack. Someone loves the eggs "screwed", seasoned with mayonnaise, someone - "Skump", when almost a liquid egg eats with the help of tea spoons. But for the most part, people love the eggs "in the bag" when the protein in the egg is dense, and the yolk is completely liquid.

For the cooking eggs and their subsequent eating eggs buy homemade - of course, if there is such an opportunity. Homemade eggs are much more delicious shop, since in the individual economy of non-sausages are fed more diverse than in a specialized chicken farm. Grandmother in the village is probably a bird and wheat, and corn, and chopped greens - from this good food from home eggs brightly painted yolk and a little sweetly sweet taste.

Before cooking eggs gently wash under running water. If they were taken from the refrigerator, then before lowering in boiling water, hold them for 5-7 minutes in a bowl with warm water. It is necessary so that the eggs do not burst when the temperature drop (cold air is hot water).

Eggs in the bag can be cooked in two ways. Choose a suitable:

  • The first way. Pour into a small saucepan of cold water and immediately put raw eggs into it. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring water to a boil. Boil eggs four minutes, and then remove the dishes from the fire. Eggs from the water, dry the towel and serve to the table.
  • The second way. Put the bucket with water on fire and wait for the liquid to boil. Gently, using a spoon, lower the eggs into the water. Wait for the second boiling water and boil eggs exactly one minute. Detect the bucket from the fire and leave the eggs in the water for another seven minutes. After the time expires, remove the eggs out of the water and blot the napkin.

Cooking time and subsequent cutting in hot water is designed for the eggs of a standard average value. If you are going to cook very small eggs, reduce one minute time. For very large on the contrary, increase one minute. So that the eggs probably turned out "in the bag", use the kitchen timer.

To boil eggs

Boiled eggs are much tastier when they are fed warm, i.e. Immediately after their boiling. Freshly cooked eggs and better absorbed by the body, so have it in mind when you are going to cook because of breakfast. Several boards of cooking eggs:

  • Eggs boil in a small saucepan so that they lay tightly. So you can avoid cracking the shell, which may happen with the rapid boiling and blows of the eggs about each other.
  • In the water for cooking, add a little cook salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Salted water will also prevent the cracking of eggs.
  • Boil eggs only with water boiling water.


An alternative to eggs welded "in the bag" may become a pashota eggs that are boiled without a shell:

  1. Pour one liter of water into a small pan and pour two tablespoons of vinegar into it.
  2. Put a saucepan on the stove and turn on the fire.
  3. Gently release a raw egg into a tea cup. Watch the yolk remained as much.
  4. When water in the saucepan boils, take a large spoon and interfere with the liquid so that a funnel is formed in it.
  5. In the funnel, pour an egg from the cup. Ideally, the protein will begin to turn around the yolk.
  6. Dog fire to a minimum and boil the egg for 5-6 minutes.
  7. A ready-made egg-pashota is shovel from the water and put on a paper napkin to leave excessive moisture.
  8. While the egg was cooked, fry in the toaster slice of bread.
  9. Egg lay out on a toasted toast.

Egg-pashota can also be considered an egg cooked "into the bag", because in it the protein will become solid, and the yolk will remain liquid.

It makes no sense to select a video to visually show how to cook eggs "in the bag" - it is so simple enough. But how to cook perfect pashota eggs, you can see in the roller below.

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