How to paint eggs with green

How to paint eggs with green

Painted eggs are one of the main symbols of the Sunday Light Christ - Easter. And it is absolutely optional to be red. You can use the usual green, to show fantasy and create a masterpiece - exclusive dyes.

To obtain a saturated green color, a solution of diamond greenery is used - greenk. This fluid is safe and even if the protein is processed, does not harm the human body.

How to paint eggs with green - preparation

Before starting experimenting with paintings, collect all that will be needed in the process:

  • two-liter saucepan, it is better old, as the greenflower is disappeared well;
  • bubble green
  • rubber gloves in hand;
  • large grinding salt, she will not crack the shell;
  • lemonic acid. Added to the paint so that it does not cut down;
  • rag or napkin, just in case, wipe out inaccurate splashes and stains from the plate and hands.

Tip: Eggs from the refrigerator an hour before cooking, then they do not burst in the cooking process.


How to paint eggs with green - the easiest way

Create spring-green testicles is easy.

  • Pour warm water into the container, pour a spoonful salt and lower the washed eggs. The solution should cover with heads all future dyes.
  • Jump gloves. Cap a little green in the pan to get a salad tone. Want to make testicles with a thick dark green sweat - pour the entire dye bubble.
  • Boil eggs for 10 minutes, 30 seconds before readiness, add 1 tsp. citric acid.
  • Drain the liquid, under the jet of cold water cool the eggs, lay them on the plate. Consider a napkin, wipe with a cloth moistened in sunflower oil.

Place the painted in a festive dish with cake.


How to get a marble pattern

Unusual coloring for marble can be done using along with a green onion husk.

  • Two handfuls of onion cleaning finely cough with scissors, make a clean raw egg in the water, then rolling in the sliced \u200b\u200bbow.
  • Take the egg in a piece of bandage, tie it with a tail.
  • Tension on each resulting flasking ball from Cappon and surround dense yarn.
  • Motches fold to the bottom of the pan, pour with water, add salt, bubble green, boil on medium heat for 12 minutes.
  • Drain the green liquid, get pictures. With the help of scissors, remove the swerle and gauze fur coat with them. Rinse eggs, wipe dry, smear the oil.

You have got painted eggs with fantastic marble divorces, which will admire the surrounding colors.


How to paint eggs with green in the speck

In order to make a painted coloring, reminiscent of the eggs of a Drozda, in chaotic speckle, use any cereal that is available: rice, millet, buckwheat.

Pour the gruse into a deep dry plate and cut a wet egg in it. Place it into the elastic stocking, fasten, wrapped with threads. Boil in water with a green-year-old 15 minutes. After that, rinse from the residues of the grains.


How to get eggs with a pattern

The original Easter egg is obtained by using bright pieces of silk.

Wrap the egg with a selected fabric, the front side to the shell. Purge silk on the contour of the egg. Wrap the garrham obtained in white cotton flap. Place the bags in a container with hot water. Add green, salt, boil 10 minutes. Remove, fill with cold water for five minutes. Cleaning the eggs from the fabric, you will see a thin on the shell, as if the artist's finished hand is drawing.

Photo 9.

How to make a lace openwork on eggs with the help of green

Cut from the guipure the desired fragment of the ornament. Moisten it in water and fasten it on a welded egg, putting the workpiece into the coronary sock. Tie a jacket with threads on a blunt tip of eggs. Pulse the cooked balls into the container with diluted with green. Keep 3 minutes, remove, remove the lace. Rinse eggs, sweat, treat with oil. You can make it easier: Out the egg with a piece of tulle, secure the cloth with a rubber band and lower in the green solution.

Photo 8.

Each hostess has their favorite recipes painting eggs. Try and you experiment and create an unusual colors of paint, which will bring joy, good, love to your home.

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