How to cook booing egg

How to cook booing egg

What could be easier than cooking boot egg? But every time most of the protein remains on the shell, and the yolk becomes green, although you boil them a strictly defined time. This article will open for you the main secrets of cooking such a simple dish.

How to cook screwed egg on the stove

Standard time for cooking eggs, screwed from 10 to 17 minutes. But there are a number of factors that can affect the quality of the cooked dish. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

  • Check out the freshness of the product. To do this, lower them in salty water. Eggs that stayed at the bottom must be used for cooking. The fouls always pop up.

  • Prepare cooking containers and put eggs. At the same time, it should be carefully placed in a saucepan, so that the shell does not cracked. Additionally, you can put a gauze on the bottom to avoid cracks during cooking. In one dishes do not need to lay a lot of eggs, otherwise it is not avoiding damage to the shell.

  • Fill the tank with water so that it completely covers the product. Add a pinch of salt. It will affect the reduction in the time of coagulation of the protein and prevent its expenditure.

Important. Be sure to pour cold liquid that will help correctly calculate the time. If you put eggs in boiling water, then the protein is found.

  • Install the pan on the stove, the spoon will evenly distribute the product along the bottom of the tank. Turn on the weak fire. The covering cover will help water to warm faster.

  • When the liquid boils, immediately turn off the slab. Leave the eggs in boiling water under the lid for 15-17 minutes. During this time, the yolk will be solid. Calculate it depending on the size of the eggs.
  • Shivovka get eggs out of the dishes, then put them in cold water for 5 minutes. Or pull the product as a sieve and substitute it under the flow water.

Important. You can check the readiness of the eggs using a twist. If it moves hard, then the product is ready. Otherwise, lower them for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Important. Quickly and smoothly remove the shell from the protein, if you pre-put the product in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

How to cook screwed egg in a microwave oven

If there is no possibility to prepare a dish with a stove, use the microwave. But remember the main rule - eggs in the shell and the whole form can not be prepared, otherwise they can explode!

  • Heat the water in the microwave. The cooking time boiling water depends on the volume of water and the model of technology.

  • Shumovka put the warm eggs in boiling water. If you use the product directly from the refrigerator, then the protein flows through the crack. Also should not throw eggs in boiling water. You not only damage the integrity of the shell, but also get a burn.

  • Cover with a plate or lid. Leave for 25 minutes in warm water. During this time, yolk hardens.

  • Place the eggs into cool water or ice. Five minutes enough for complete cooling.

How to cook booing egg - useful tips

  • Sometimes the yolk after cooking has a greenish color. To avoid this shade of the dish, leave the product in boiling water for less.
  • Do not think that the more the egg is being prepared, the more cool it will turn out. Long-term cooking will lead to a loose protein consistency, and the yolk will become dry.
  • When cleaning one egg, be sure to check the degree of product availability. If yolk liquid, then put the remaining eggs back to boiling water.
  • To easily clean the protein from the shell, prepare the product for a weekly freshness. Or before cooking, treat it with steam.
  • If you plan to use eggs in a cut form, then cook only fresh - green flask will not be formed on their yolk.
  • Instead of salt, you can use soda. It will not only save the integrity of the shell, but also help "Fold" egg After cooking.
  • When you notice that the shell began to crack, immediately add a table vinegar to the water. It will help the protein faster to curl, which will not give him to pour. But his surplus will be the reason for the unpleasant odor and taste at the finished dishes.
  • To get a yolk in a cooked egg strictly in the center, periodically interfere with the water on time cooking.

If you follow such simple recommendations, then you can properly weld the booze eggs for any, and even a refined dish.

The presented method of cooking eggs involves obtaining a bright yolk and necessary for this structure. About how to prepare a dish in a traditional way, look at the video:

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