How to cook pod beans

How to cook pod beans

The podlock beans are combined with most dishes: it is used as a separate side dish, can be added, added to salad, soup or stew. Its extensive use speaks of the usefulness of the product, which is rich in fiber, iron and calcium.

The vegetable is not customary to use the raw form, so it is boiled first. This processing method will save the majority of useful components in the beans, if it is properly prepared.

How to cook pod beans - product preparation

Before treating a vegetable, it must be prepared.

  • First of all, override the beans. Only young pods with a bright green color will be suitable for use. Since they have a delicate structure, and yellowed vegetables even after processing boiling water will be hard.
  • Then the fetus take off the tail. For this dramatically pull it in the opposite direction. Also take off the veil, which connects two parts of the pod.
  • Well wash the product in cold water. To do this, often change the liquid or rinse under running water.
  • Cut into pieces before cooking. So they are more evenly treated with boiling water.

How to cook the string beans in a saucepan

  • Traditional cookware for making beans - pan. Fill it with water at the rate of: 1 kg of a vegetable of 3 liters of liquid. Such proportion is not accidental. If you cook the product in a large amount of water, then its green color will continue.
  • Bring water to boil. Add salt. It is determined at its discretion, but not more than 10 grams per 1 liter of water. Load the beans in boiling water. So it will retain the maximum amount of useful substances.
  • The duration of cooking is determined by the age of pods and their size. Try not to digest beans, otherwise it will become tasteless. Total cooking time no more than 7 minutes.
  • After cooking, get a vegetable from boiling water for further processing.
  • If you plan to use salad beans, tapping it a little longer and immediately apply to the table.

How to cook the string beans in a microwave oven

Much easier prepare a product in the microwave. So you do not need to follow boiling water.

  • The beans cut into small pieces, put in glass dishes. Fill with cold water, salt, close the lid and put in the oven.
  • Choose the maximum power and put it for 10-12 minutes.
  • After cooking, drain the water or add the other ingredients for further cooking.

How to cook the string beans in a slow cooker

  • You can prepare beans in a slow cooker. Fill water into the bowl. Turn on the "Soup" mode or select another menu item in which the water boils.
  • Add salt and take the pods carefully. The cooking time does not exceed 7 minutes.
  • Finished vegetables beat on a colander or get noise.

How to cook the pod beans in the double boiler

  • If you hold the dietary nutrition, then cook the product for a pair. Wash and dry pods put in the bowl.
  • On the bottom of the steamer or in a special compartment pour water. Turn on the minimum mode.
  • Set the timer for 15-17 minutes depending on the bean variety.
  • Prepare a dish until soft. Such beans you can deliver spices and immediately eat or use for dishes.

How to cook the string beans in the frozen form

  • When buying frozen beans, carefully examine the information on the package. Most often, the product is pre-training in the form of cooking. If you yourself frozen beans, then you need to cook them on another scheme.
  • Boil water. Remove vegetables from the freezer and hide with boiling water. Such a procedure will not reduce the water temperature when you will immerse the beans in boiling water. And also remove excessive ice on pods, so you do not have to increase the cooking time of the product.
  • Add salt, it will retain most of the most useful substances in the product. Only then laid the beans. Boil about 5-7 minutes.
  • After cooking, drain the water and immerse the vegetables into the cold liquid. So you save the color of the beans. After 2-3 minutes, get the noise pods and serve to the table.

It is easy to weld the chopping beans correctly if you follow these recommendations and advice. So you will most save not only the color of the legumes, but also useful components. Bon Appetit!

For the benefits of green beans and a few recipes for her cooking, see the video:

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