How to cook eggs in a slow cooker

How to cook eggs in a slow cooker

Boiled eggs - a product that can act as an independent dish and come into the appetizers, first and second dishes. At the same time, the traditional method of cooking boiled eggs is considered to be cooking in tanks with water on the stove. The modern technology is offered to replace it with another, more convenient option - cooking in multivarka. How can this be done, read in our article.

Method No. 1 - Cooking Eggs in multivarka in water. This method is most close in its technology to the traditional. To cook eggs in this way, lay out the right amount in the bowl of our kitchen multippostem And fill them with water. With regard to the required amount of fluid - orient so that it covers the eggs. Although there are recipes, where it is indicated that it is not necessary to cover the eggs with water completely. Now close the lid and on the panel multivarka Select the "Cooking for a pair" mode, click "Start". In this way, you will drive the eggs after 10-12 minutes, "in the bag" - after 7-9 minutes, the sick - after 4-5 minutes.


 Method number 2 - Varka Eggs in multivarka for a couple. In this case, the eggs are laid out in the bowl, but in a special basket - steamer. In the bowl of the same water (no less than 2 multistakanov), Install a basket with eggs, close the lid multivarka And we prepare in the same mode "Cooking for a couple", but for longer - 15-20 minutes. In this case, you will have eggs to cool, which have a perfectly separated by the shell, and the yolk does not have a grayish rim. For eggs "in the bag", reduce the cooking time for up to 8-10 minutes, for eggs schitzka - up to 5-7 minutes.

Method number 3 - eggs-Pashota v multivarka. To prepare such an original dish, we will need silicone molds, sunflower oil and eggs themselves. Lubricate the molds with oil, pour eggs in them (they are better to break them down above the mold itself, and in a cup), add salt, spices, greens at the request of the removable basket - steamer. Heat water to a hot state and pour into the bowl multivarka, We install a basket with molds, close and cook eggs in the "Crop-toile" mode for about 3 minutes. The exact time of cooking periodically monitor visual: at the finished egg-Pashota The protein should be welded, and yolk - stay liquid.


Several practical boards for cooking boiled eggs in multivarka. First, do not forget to properly prepare eggs to prepare, that is, to clean well under running water. Secondly, after the end of the cooking process, they are desirable to lay out in cold water (especially in the case of the preparation of eggs shatter), as with the traditional method of preparation. Thirdly, keep in mind that the "Cooking for a couple" mode has its own characteristics: the countdown of cooking starts not immediately, but from the moment of water boiling in the bowl multivarka.

We also note that the timing of the preparation of boiled eggs in multivarka Approximate, because largely depend on the model of the kitchen appliance, temperature and volume flooded into its bowl of water, as well as the sizes of eggs. About how to cook eggs in multivarka Redmond., look at the video posted below.

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