Which dishes are better to cook jam

Which dishes are better to cook jam

Inexperienced young mistresses, when the time comes to cook jam, begin to feverishly search for suitable dishes in the kitchen. Someone takes an ordinary aluminum bowl, someone enamelled saucepan, and someone is trying to find an answer about the appropriate dishes on the Internet. What kind of dishes is most suitable for cooking jam?

Shape of cookware for cooking jam

A good jam should be sufficiently thick and preferably with unrelieged pieces of fruit or whole berries. All this can provide a thick syrup, which is obtained with an enhanced evaporation of moisture from the surface of the jam. To ensure this can only a large area of \u200b\u200bevaporation, so that for cooking jam it is better to use a wide pelvis with low walls. This is especially true if you are gathering to boil immediately a large portion. If the jam will be a bit, let's say everything from 0.5 kilograms of currant or blackberry, then you can use pancroeons with high walls.

The volume of dishes for cooking jam

Depending on the number of alleged sweet blanks, the pelvis is better to purchase from 2 to 6 liters. There is less than two-liter no sense to buy, as it is completely replaced by a saucepan. The basin of the same six-liter does not advise you to use, because it is designed for a sufficiently large amount of raw materials. And with simultaneous cooking of a five-six kilogram of strawberries or raspberries, they risk turning into a mass resembling jumped. Berries will reveal from their own weight.

Material dishes for cooking jam

Material from which the pan or pelvis will be made are of great importance. Best of all proven:

  • 1st place: stainless steel. The stainless steel utensils are completely not oxidized and the chemical elements will not fall into the jam. In such a bowl, the jam can be stored for quite a long time, for example, when it is prepared in several techniques (boiling and cooling).
  • 2nd place: enameled steel. The pelvis or pan must be without a single chip or crack. The slightest roughness on the surface or even a minor scratch will lead to a small part of the iron in the jam. Store jam in an absolutely whole dish for enameled steel can also be quite long.
  • 3 place: copper. The pelvis must be well cleaned, but the jam in it can not be stored for several hours. Cleaning copper dishes to shine is needed in order to remove from the surface of copper oxide, which turning into jam and destroys ascorbic acid. It is impossible to store jam in such a pelasing due to the fact that the same copper oxide will be formed on the walls on the walls.

Aluminum basins are not recommended at all, since this material under the action of fruit acids is quickly oxidized and aluminum will be in the workpiece.

Almost all modern bread makers and multicookers have a jam program. It is boiled in the same container in which all other food is prepared. It is usually aluminum or metal bowls with teflon coating or a ceramic coating - both of these material are absolutely harmless to the body.

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