Strawberry jam with whole berries

Strawberry jam with whole berries

Not all owners have strawberry jams with whole berries. Some strawberries are welded and the jam turns into a jam. So that it does not happen, you need to know some secrets.

Secrets of the integrity of strawberry berries in jam

  • Strawberries are better to buy a small size. The optimal size, like a forest walnut.
  • Berries choose completely dry and clean to not be sink. Because of the water, the strawberry will become more water and will weld.
  • If you still have to wash the strawberry, then do it with the most small portions and dry out every portion on the towel.
  • Caeshelistic from strawberries. Delete after its washing and drying the berries. If you do it before washing, then the strawberry will take a lot of moisture.
  • Do not boil jam with huge portions. When stirring it, you risk damageing berries. But only 1 kg of strawberry in syrup can be mixed by usual shaking pelvis.
  • Boil jam in several techniques: 3 minutes of cooking, 3 hours of standings. This method will help the strawberry well to have a syrup and a little caramell.
  • Strawberry boil or on very thick syrup, or even on honey.
  • If you are going to fall asleep with a strawberry sugar so that it will let juice, then before this stage, spin the berries with vodka (1 tbsp. Per 1 kg of berries). Alcoholic drink will make strawberries more dense.

Detailed recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries

Cook jam so:

  • Prepare a syrup of 90% concentration. For it, take 900 g of sugar sand and 100 ml of water.
  • In the hot syrup, lay out a smooth layer prepared strawberries and cook it 3 minutes.
  • Give the jam to cool and boil it again 3 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure 5 times.
  • During the last boiling, add citric acid at the tip of the knife - it will give a brighter brighter.
  • In banks, strawberry jams with whole berries run after it cools to room temperature. If you decompose it hot, then the whole strawberry will rise up (under the cover).
  • Put the filled banks in a saucepan with water and sterilize them 15 minutes. This time is for the volume of dishes in 0.5 liters.

You can cook jam with whole berries for any recipe you like. The main thing, follow some tips from the first paragraph of this article.

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