How to cook compote from frozen berries

How to cook compote from frozen berries

If fresh berries freeze, in the winter they will serve excellent service and fill the deficit of vitamins in the body. In addition, the delicious compote, from which the scent of summer felt, almost everyone will have to taste!

We choose a saucepan of 3 liters and more. It must be non-aluminum, otherwise most of the vitamins who saved by us simply will die. Fill the tank with water. We proceed from the ratio of 2-2.5 liters of water per 500 grams of berries. Accordingly, the more putting the berries, the richer comes the compote. We wait for boiling.

We take the berries. The optimally combination of 3-4 varieties, in which case the compote is obtained quite multifaceted. The most simple and successful combinations: cherry, raspberry, strawberry; cherry, black currant, raspberry; Apricot, blackberry, raspberry and red currant. But it is not worth attributing to specific recipes, the main thing is to make a variety of and sufficient reserves of berries.

Sugar is poured into boiling water. Its quantity, again, depends on personal preferences, but cooks are recommended from 1 to 2 glasses on the above indicated litter.

Following and berries send in boiling water. We will not defrost them to preserve the juicability of the fruit.

When the contents of the pot will boil again, we reduce gas and cook for 5 minutes. A longer thermal processing will destroy all useful trace elements. Turning off the fire, cover the compote with the lid and let it stand for half an hour.

The cooled compote is filtering through a colander, overflow to a high decanter and apply to the table.

To obtain a refreshing, original compote, mint is added to it (100-150 grams) and cinnamon. Such a drink is pleasant and warm and cooled.

As you can see, the compote from frozen berries is becoming extremely simple, and the benefit of it is invaluable. Such a drink is appropriate and on weekdays, and on the festive table. It should be a permanent guest in the human diet.

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