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  • Food and Drinks
    Capelin - medium-sized fatty fish, which can be fried, boiled, baked, salt. Today we tell you how to pickle capelin home of classic and original recipes.
    20.05.2019 300 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Salted herring is indispensable in the preparation of various snacks or festive to everyday table.
    14.05.2019 286 0
  • Food and Drinks
    If you love to cook, then you can try to pickle eggs at home. Each user should be aware that raw eggs is much less.
    29.04.2019 286 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Sole is incredibly tasty and wholesome fish, which can be fed both independently and in the "Company" garnish.
    20.04.2019 264 0
  • Food and Drinks
    , Herring associated for many with memories of childhood, the good Soviet times. While the shops are not bursting with abundance, as of now, but it was fatty and very sweet taste, herring (although, in fact, this is not a herring, as we used to call it, as a kind of sardine).
    12.04.2019 292 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Today, salmon roe are not uncommon and can be bought in almost every shop and at different prices.
    08.04.2019 228 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Fish - a useful tasty, unless, of course know how to cook it. Fishing is possible to catch different fish, and if bream, then it is better to smoke.
    08.04.2019 207 0
  • Seafood
    For the unprepared person bream rather complicated task. It requires specific knowledge about the unique bait with special additives in fish lure and understanding of the features that you need to consider for a successful catching bream.
    31.03.2019 225 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Pickled Herring has long been considered the best appetizer, as a festive meal, and ordinary family dinner or luncheon.
    16.03.2019 243 0
  • Food and Drinks
    This article for beginning cooks we fry fish hake. What are we to do this? Everything is easy and simple - we need to fish hake, flour, salt and vegetable oil for frying.
    10.03.2019 266 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Coho salmon is a fish from the salmon family, whose meat is so tender and juicy that literally melts on the tongue.
    08.02.2019 267 0
  • Food and Drinks
    If you're an avid fisherman or just like salty fish, then you will be exactly useful for the recipe for a bull.
    08.02.2019 240 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Squid is a fragrant seafood with a subtle taste and a tender texture. Cooking squid is quite fast and simple, but requires care and repetition of the recipe.
    28.01.2019 248 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Koryushka is a delicious river fish, which is not only a fatty, but also an incredibly gentle taste. Want to learn how to cook a born?
    19.01.2019 281 0
  • Food and Drinks
    The Limit Liver is a server rarity, famous for its unsurpassed taste and a huge list of useful properties.
    19.01.2019 233 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Cod baked in the oven, it is not only a tasty, but also a very useful dish. Regular use of such fish contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol, healthy weight loss, saturation of the body with amino acids and protein.
    19.01.2019 232 0
  • Garniirs
    Today we invite you to arrange the day of Spanish cuisine and prepare the most delicious Palela. This traditional dish will not leave indifferent any member of your family.
    17.01.2019 243 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Royal shrimps will decorate any festive table. They have a gentle taste, a delightful aroma and an original form.
    17.01.2019 274 0
  • Food and Drinks
    On our tables, a very interesting and tasty dish of Korean cuisine called Hehe appeared quite a long time.
    07.11.2018 293 0
  • Food and Drinks
    On the festive table, it is often possible to meet sandwiches with sprats, and many eat them just like that make salads with their use.
    27.09.2018 295 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Pretty little fish, the Koryushka has a gentle taste and there is almost no stones in it. Because of this, it is very fond of cooking and fish dishes prepare a variety of.
    05.09.2018 336 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Traditionally, a fish in a frying can be fished. Any hostess will be able to fry. And you try to put in the kitchen and prepare from the same seabed dish, not inferior to the restaurant.
    30.08.2018 459 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of fish. But it happens that it is extremely rare on some families on the tables of some families.
    30.08.2018 313 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Snails are considered extremely useful delicacy. In their fillet, 15% proteins, many polynaturated fatty acids, and they also serve as a natural amplifier of attraction on a par with oysters.
    19.06.2018 387 0
  • Food and Drinks
    This unusual seafood delicacies like scallops is quite rare in the menu. Despite their benefits, and high content of iodine, the right to cook scallops is far from each owner.
    17.06.2018 385 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Smelt fish has a very delicate flavor, but if you buy it fresh, not ice cream. Delicious dishes from this fish can even decorate the holiday table.
    17.06.2018 332 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Cod - very tasty fish, and that's when baking it reveals its aroma and taste, which are available, for example, when frying.
    17.06.2018 284 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Blue whiting is considered to be low-fat diet and fish, rich in vitamins A and D. It promotes fat victory over atherosclerosis, and the meat has a delicate flavor.
    17.06.2018 377 0
  • Food and Drinks
    King prawns - excellent seafood. They are characterized by a delicate flavor, pleasant aroma, easy to cooking meals and they make a real masterpiece, despite the simplicity of the ingredients.
    14.06.2018 359 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Sprat like almost everything. Of them can cook all sorts of salads and appetizers, and sandwiches with sprats on a festive table diverge first.
    11.06.2018 323 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Trout - popular and delicious fish, which the hostess often choose to prepare festive and everyday dishes.
    11.06.2018 283 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Fish - a terrific product, from it we can cook a lot of useful and nutritious meals.
    31.05.2018 368 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Salmon - amazingly tasty fish, which perfectly reveals your taste is in the form of saline. She's gorgeous, and other methods of preparation, but it is in all its manifest pickling quality.
    28.05.2018 321 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Rasp - fish with white meat, has a terrific flavor, deserved popularity all over the world.
    28.05.2018 374 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Navaga this tasty fish of the cod family, who loved the hosts for the lack of small bones and dietary properties.
    26.05.2018 486 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Capelin is a very useful and tasty product, although it is not a delicacy. Recipes and salted fish carcasses options quite a lot - every woman aspires to cook capelin tailored to individual wishes and taste.
    26.05.2018 342 0
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