How to cook a marine language?

How to cook a marine language?

Traditionally, to fry fish in a skillet can any hostess. And you try to put in the kitchen and prepare from the same seabower dish, not inferior to the restaurant.

Sea tongue in thick cheese sauce

You will need:

  1. Fish fillet - 1 kg
  2. Onion - 2 pcs.
  3. Garlic slices - 3 pcs.
  4. Large Cream - 200 ml
  5. Solid cheese - 100 g
  6. Salt, Pepper, Muscade Ground Walnut - 1 pinch
  7. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.


  • Wash the fish with cold water and dried well on the towel. Cut on the portion slices and a little bit of her satisfying.
  • Put into the dressing form and pour with cream sauce, all spices and grated cheese. Molds pre-smear the oil.
  • Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Marine language in a crispy crust

The dish is pretty simple in preparation, but incredibly tasty.

  1. Language fillets cut into wide pieces and sprinkle it and pepper.
  2. Each piece is cut in flour first, then in a whipper with a salt of the egg and in conclusion - in breading.
  3. Fry fish in a large amount of boiling vegetable oil.
  4. Put on a paper napkin to remove excess fat.

Prepare bread with white ground crumbs (2 parts), grated parmesan (1 part), salt and dry spicy herbs (in taste).

Sweet Pepper Roots

This exquisite dish can be cooked for a festive table and surprise them their guests.

  • Large red Bulgarian pepper shine along a 2-3 width strips. Each strip satisfying and dear olive oil. Hold the pepper in the hot oven as long as he is slightly twisted and becomes very elastic.
  • Marine fillet Cut long strips, in width coinciding with pepper. Suck and pepper fish.
  • Put a strip of baked pepper on every strip of the tongue and roll together with a roll. Billets are covered with toothpicks so that they hold the form.
  • Lay out the rolls into the baking shape and cook in the oven for 40 minutes. Keep them under the foil for the first 20 minutes, and then remove it.
  • Before serving, remove the toothpick from the rolls and sprinkle the dish seed seeds.

Sea tongue in puff pastry bags

For this dish, except the fish itself, buy also frozen puff pastry.

  1. 600 g fillets cut into cubes. Sweep fish and after 5 minutes, take it out of extra moisture.
  2. 1 Large bulb Cut into cubes and put in a frying pan with preheated olive oil.
  3. As soon as the bow becomes transparent, add to it the fish and on the high heat frying 5-7 minutes. When caring, put a little cream or sour cream.
  4. Fish with onions cool down and sprinkle with dry ground garlic, pepper and salt, if the filling requires it. Optionally, add a chopped fresh dill.
  5. Test layers slightly defrost and cut 10 cm squares 10 cm.
  6. On the middle of each square, put a spoonful of fish filling and take the dough to get bags or envelopes. Each product lubricate the whipped raw egg.
  7. Place the bags on the deco and send it to the oven heated to 200 degrees. Bake the dish until the top of the bags are shrouded.
  8. Serve with any sauce or just to tea or coffee.

You can prepare this dish without using the dough and without bakeing it in the oven. Sake ordinary pancakes, puff their fish filling and tie the green onions feathers.

Sea language is suitable for absolutely any dishes. You can cook with him and fish cake here is on this recipe.

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