What to cook from fish?

What to cook from fish?

Fish is a stunning product, you can make a huge amount of useful and nutritious dishes from it. At the same time, a variety of fish species are sold in stores, from budget to elite and the hostess can choose what to taste and on the pocket. Choose a recipe will not be difficult


Ear - all the famous dish of Russian cuisine. The main thing here is the choice of fish. In order for the soup to be welded and tasty, the following types of fish are suitable: Karas, Sudak, Okun, Sazan, carp, salmon. Recently, the popularity of Haltus, not flow and cod were also popular.

It's important to know:

  • So that the ear is delicious, the main thing is not to overdo the ingredients.
  • In the ear, it is customary to add components such as black peas, dill and parsley greens, carrots, onions, bay leaf, salt, potatoes.
  • In order for the bow to give the broth his taste, it needs to be chopped large, on 4, or even 2 parts.
  • In the ear you can add absolutely any spices, depending on the taste of the cook.


  • To avoid a bright taste of fish, it usually concerns the river, you need to avoid the stormy boiling of broth during cooking. It will be enough to tomtract it on slow fire.
  • To preserve the quality of fish, it is better to cook it not in simple water, but in the salted vegetable broth.
  • Cooking Fish You need from 8 (small river types) to 25 (large Siberian representatives) minutes.

Classical ear


  • Fish taste chef, including heads and tails.
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • The onion is the 1st thing.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Greens for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Put a saucepan with thick walls filled with water.
  • Potatoes need to be cleaned, soak for 30 minutes in the water, after which to cover the middle cubes.
  • Purified onions cut into 4 parts.
  • When the water boils, donate it at a minimum, and put potatoes and onions in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Wash and dry fish.
  • Carrots cut into semir and send to broth, cook another 10 minutes.
  • Stay fish in soup, cook until ready depending on the size of fish 8-15 minutes.
  • Before serving, sprinkle finely chopped with greens.

Fried fish

The simplest recipe for frying fish - in a pan. To avoid trouble during cooking, it is better to take dishes with a non-stick coating. Fish can be chosen any, but the following varieties are best: Tolstolobik, Heck, Merlusa, Salga. You can fry both fillets and fish steaks, which someone like.


  • Fish any - 1 kg.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - on demand.
  • Spices for fish - at will.

How to cook:

  • Fish must be cleaned from scales, free from the insides, remove fins.
  • Cut on the steaks of comfortable thickness.
  • Salt and pepper on both sides.
  • Owning every piece of fish in flour to give a crispy golden crust.
  • Pour vegetable oil on the pan and warmly warm up.
  • Fry fish you need on every side of 2-3 minutes.
  • In order to prevent the juice of the fire under the frying pan should be fairly intense.
  • Put ready fish on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
  • You can feed fried fish with any garnish, perfectly suitable baked vegetables or boiled rice.

Fish baked in the oven

A common method of baking fish - in foil. The method of preparing such a dish is about the same in all recipes, but it is characterized by nuances, details and ingredients.

Products for cooking:

  • Fish - 4 pieces of medium size.
  • Lemon juice 1 (can be replaced with wine vinegar in the amount of 2-4 spoons).
  • Parsley - 1 bundle.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 grams.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Clear fish from scales, stamp, remove fins.
  • Wash fish, carefully dry.
  • Grasp spices, sprinkle with lemon or wine vinegar.
  • Inside the fish put a finely disturbed parsley.
  • Heat the oven to 180-200 degrees.
  • In foil, pre-lubricated with oil, put the fish, each carcass separately. Wrap so that the juice is not able to flow and remained inside.
  • Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • Upon readiness to remove, deploy, lay out on a plate, serve on the table with a salad, baked vegetables or another favorite garnish.

Fish in batter

An interesting and unusual recipe for cooking fish, simple and fast, perfectly suitable for both everyday diet and festive table. You need to choose fish with a minimum amount of bones. Great: Sudak, Trout, Salmon, Palangius.


  • Fish fillet - 400 grams.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Thick cream, sour cream, mayonnaise - 50 grams.
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon.
  • Spices, greens to taste.
  • Vegetable frying oil is a sufficient amount.

Cooking method:

  • Fillet wash, dry, cut into portion pieces, salt, put in a cool place.
  • Prepare Clar: The egg is whipped, sour cream (cream or mayonnaise) is added to it. Stir to homogeneous mass, then add a spoonful flour. Stir again and add spices to taste.
  • Pour vegetable oil in the pan so that the fish have the opportunity to swim in it, warm up.
  • Fish to coat into the clarity and send to the oil, fry no more than 4 minutes.
  • Finished pieces to put on a paper towel, let's drag out inside.
  • Stay on the plate, sprinkle with chopped greens.
  • Serve as an independent dish or with a garnish of vegetables.

Fish dishes incredible quantity, they can be found in cookbooks, culinary programs, the Internet. Everyone will definitely find what it is like him.

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