How to cook Mixtai delicious

How to cook Mixtai delicious

Mintai on a pillow of vegetables, baked in foil - a very tasty, useful and easy-to-cook dish. The fish is obtained juicy, fragrant and literally melts in the mouth, and it will be necessary for cooking no more than half an hour. For this recipe you can use both fillets and a whole carcass.


  • mintai (fillet or carcass);
  • carrot 1 pc;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • salt - pinch;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • dill - a few twigs.

Clean vegetables, stick onions with semirings, soda carrots on a large grater or cut into small straws. Mixtai Wash and dry with a napkin or paper towel.

On the flat surface, place a foil, a little lubricate a little vegetable oil and lay out half of the prepared vegetables on it. Some sput.

Mintai Stodita salt and pepper from all sides. In the abdomen you can put a branch of dill. This will give an additional fragrance with a finished dish. If you use fillets, then lock the dill on top of vegetables. Put fish on vegetables.

Cover the fish with the remaining vegetables, salt. The more vegetables will be, the juicier will turn out to be a ready-made dish.

Wrap the fish with foil vegetables with a dense roll or envelope. You can use several layers. All juice when cooking should stay inside.

Mixtai lay out on the baking sheet and put the oven for 25-30 minutes in preheated to 200 degrees. Get ready to get out of the oven, carefully open the foil and put on the dish.

Serve decorating greens and fresh vegetables. Also as a side dish, potato mashed potatoes or crumbly rice. Bon Appetit!

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