How to cook catfish

How to cook catfish

SOM fish is very convenient for cooking from it all sorts of delicious dishes - he has no scales and there are no minor bones. Som in robes live and feeds mainly. Because of this, its meat may have an unpleasant smell, but this applies only to old individuals. So for culinary soma masterpieces, you need to buy a young - weighing no more than two kilograms.

How to make a catfish in the oven - in the sleeve

  • In the whole herself cut the head - leave it for the fuse. From the abdomen remove all the insides.
  • Sattail fish shop spices for fish.
  • Give a little to pickle in a cool place - 2-3 hours.
  • Put the fish into the culinary sleeve and make it on the sides.
  • Put prepared fish on a leaf for baking, and put it in a hot oven (200 degrees).
  • Time for baking will take: 30 minutes per kilogram of fillet. If Som you have a two-kilogram, then cook it for 1 hour.
  • While the fish is prepared, lean the crumbly rice. An excellent addition to the fish will be cooked for a couple of vegetables. Before feed, cut the cat carcass on the portion pieces.

How to make a cat sobe - harmonica

Soma carcass with heads. Stop and remove the gills. Soak fish for 15 minutes in cold water to leave all the blood. Deliver the catfish with fresh lemon juice, and then soda the mixture of salt, pepper and dry thyme. Spices for each kilogram of fish take a 0.5 teaspoon. Keep fish in the refrigerator 3-4 hours - let it be soaked with flavors.

Marinated Soma Cut in the form of a harmonica, but do not cut the central ridge bone. Lay out the cattle on the deco, lubricated with olive oil. Fish is also slightly lubricate the same oil. Prepare a dish in a hot oven for 40 minutes. Baking temperature - 200 degrees.

Serve a catfish with lemon slices and fresh greens.

How to cook catfish with creamy mushroom sauce

For this dish you will need cheese, mushrooms, cream, onions, spices and of course som.

  • Soma fillet (1 kg) Separate on portion pieces. Be sure to remove the ridge bone. Salt fish and pepper and plump flour slightly.
  • Fry catfish on a heated vegetable oil - for frying enough for 3 minutes. Fillet lay out in the form for baking.
  • Put 300 g of fresh champignons in the pan - cut them with slices. When moisture evaporates with mushrooms, put one big label to them. Pour 50 ml of oil and fry everything together to rosy.
  • To the fried onion and mushrooms, pour 1 cup of oily cream. Bring sauce to boil, and then put salt and pepper to taste.
  • Fill with fried fillet sauce and send the shape in the oven. Bake a dish of 30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.
  • Cook mashed potatoes on the side dish.

How to cook catfish in the oven under the cheese crust

Some sieve fillet and sprinkle with any dry spicy herbs: dill, charker, basil, rosemary. Spread fillet on a wide pan - lubricate it with oil. Put the frying cabinet to the frying pan of up to 250 degrees. After 15 minutes, we reduce the heating of up to 200 degrees, and fillets dense the grated solid cheese. Cheese take fat - at least 50%. It melts well and soma will be in a soft cheese crust. Together with cheese, fish bake another 10 minutes.

From a large catfish, several dishes can be prepared. Fillet is baked or fry, cutlets cook from it and bake cakes with him. Range, fins and heads are allowed on the broth. In the video posted below you will see how to properly cut a large catfish.

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