How to cook pumpkin fast and tasty

How to cook pumpkin fast and tasty

Since pumpkin is very well stored, then you can cook delicious and fast dishes almost all winter. The most common dish on our tables is porridge, but the pumpkin is good and in salads, and in casseroles, and in pogs, and in soups. We picked up for you the most delicious and useful recipes - prepare on health.

How to cook pumpkin - pumpkin and apples salad

  • Take equal amounts of pumpkin and apples pulp (100 g).
  • Clean them from the peel and soda on a special grater for Korean salads.
  • Stir apples and pumpkin.
  • Pour the salad with refueling (1 tbsp. Lemon juice, 1 tbsp. L. Liquid honey, hammer cinnamon at knife tip).
  • Salad sprout by any nuts.
  • An excellent addition to the dish will be a handful of rays without seeds.

You can prepare this salad in 10 minutes.

How to cook pumpkin - baked pumpkin

Baked pumpkin can be served both with sweet and sharp sauces.

  • For a dish, take the pumpkin of the round color and cut it into large slices. Do not forget to remove seeds.
  • Lay out the slice on a leaf for baking and send an oven to heated to 180 degrees. Prepare a pumpkin until it covers with a crust on top, and inside will become soft.

Baked pumpkin is suitable as a garnish to grilled meat grilled - Then, when cooking a vegetable, some suck and sprinkle with dry spicy herbs.

Pumpkin from the oven with cream, honey, custard, as dessert.

Pumpkin is preparing baked 15-20 minutes.

How to cook pumpkin - Sweet pumpkin casserole

If you have stayed from dinner boiled rice, then prepare for dinner or breakfast quick casserole with pumpkin.

  • Pumpkins pulp on the cubes and booke them until soft - 10 minutes.
  • Boiled pumpkin will be blended with a blender or flush for a fork.
  • Mix puree from pumpkins and rice - take them in equal amounts.
  • Add a raw egg to the ground (1 pc. For 200 g of product) - mix.
  • Add sugar to taste and mix again.
  • Baking shape Lubricate with butter and put porridge with pumpkin into it.
  • Bake a dish of 25-30 minutes in a well-preheated oven.
  • Serve casserole with sour cream or jam.

Time for cooking this dish you will need no more than 30 minutes.

How to cook pumpkin - Pumpkin and Apple Pie

For a delicious sweet cake you need ready puff pastry. Usually hostesses buy it in the future store and store in the freezer.

  • Two frozen dough layers lay on a cutting board for easy defrosting.
  • While the dough becomes plastic, cut into small cubes or a large straw of 2 apples and 100 grams of pumpkin pulp.
  • Lay out one dough for baking dough and form sides. Form before this lubricate with any oil.
  • Spread apples and pumpkins on the dough. Sprinkle them with sugar (0.5 glasses) and add 50-70 grams of frozen butter, grated on a large grater. Oil dispense in stuffing uniformly.
  • From the second layer of the test, cut the long strips and lay them on apples and pumpkin in the shape of a grid.
  • Watch 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of milk. With this liquid mass. Lubricate dough strips and sides.
  • Bake the cake to golden color.

To baking the cake, set the temperature in the oven - 185 degrees, and the timer of time is 35 minutes.

Pumpkin has a rather neutral taste, so it can be added to meat stew, in a vegetable caviar, in the dough for buns or pancakes. If you are waiting for guests, then prepare stuffed pumpkin. Time to it takes a little more than for the dishes described above, but this treat is worth it.

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