How to cook apple pie

How to cook apple pie

A good owner has a few lungs and tasty apple pie recipes. If you still do not have such records, then try to cook pies on our recipes and choose the most attractive. Although we are confident that all of them you will love and the oven you will be very often.

How to cook apple pie with lemon and cinnamon flavors

Make a soft dough from such products:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • melted butter - 65 g;
  • melted margarine - 65 g;
  • sugar - 175 g;
  • flour - 220 g;
  • zestra Lemon - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon hammer - 2 tsp;
  • dough breakner - 1 tsp.

The dough should remind a thick sour cream.

Deligious shape lubricate the oil and dense breadcrumbs. Pour the dough and scatter it with silicone spatula. On the dough beautifully lay apple slices with a skin up. Apples You will need 800 g. Sprinkle apples with a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a thoughtless of almond crumbs. Bake the cake of 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to cook apple pie with vanilla fragrance

  • Using a mixer with a test nozzle, make the dough: a soft butter oil, but not melted - 130 g, flour - 400 g, sugar powder - 2 tbsp., Cold water - 3 tbsp., Vanillin in powder or vanilla tincture - 0.5 ppm or 4 drops.
  • Skate the dough into the ball and let him stand in the cold for 1 hour.
  • After that, divide the dough into two unequal parts. Great roll in the circle and put into the form. From the smaller, also rolled out, cut a lot of long ribbons.
  • Squeeze apples cut from small cubes, cinnamon, sugar, potato starch, on the dough.
  • Starting cover the dough strips, laying them with a grid.
  • Pake pie from 30 to 40 minutes. Adjust the oven by 180 degrees. Finished dessert suite sugar powder.

How to cook apple pie with creamy and cognac taste

  • For this cake you will need 3 pieces of large apples. Apples take very sweet and dense. Cut them on the quarter, remove the seed boxes, and then lie with thin slices.
  • Apples mix with sugar (0.5 glasses) and wait until they are allowed. Then pour to them 50 g cognac and mix. Google brandy. When the fire is shattered, apples will acquire an extraordinary fragrance.
  • Take 500 g of the finished puff pastry and divide it into 2 parts. Put the first to put into the detachable form, and put apples on it. Blank apples with the second part of the dough and take the edges. Make a small hole to exit steam.
  • Pake Pie 35 minutes in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. In the finished hot cake, pour 75 ml of oily cream and let him walk for 30 minutes - do not put it in the oven. Pie feed with creamy ice cream ball.

How to prepare apple pie with sour cream

  • Prepare a soft dough: sugar (1/2 cup), flour (2.5 glasses), eggs (3 pieces), sour cream (2 tablespoons), dough breakdler (1 teaspoon). Leave the fifth part of the dough on the decoration. Main put in the form most.
  • On the test, decompose the slices of apples so that they completely covered the surface. Apples Close the lattice of a strip of deferred test.
  • Pake the pie for 20 minutes, and then get it out of the oven. Fill with sour cream cake: 200 g sour cream, 0.5 sugar glasses, 2 spoons of starch and vanilla sugar sachet.
  • Next, put the cake again in the oven and cook until the sour cream creates a pink shade. Let the pie completely cool and only then cut it on the portion.

How to cook apple cake from yeast dough with sweet fill

Prepare any sweet yeast dough. Take the basis our recipes. Take the dough and cut the long strips of 6-8 width from it. At each strip, lay out grated apples and sprinkled with sugar. Strips roll up and put them in the form. How to do it correctly, can be seen in the photo. Give the test to come, and when there will be no free space between the rolls, take them on top of the fill: 1 egg, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon starch. Bake the cake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. If the upper fill will quickly become brown, and the dough is still raw, then cover the foil pie.

Another recipe for an unusual apple cake can be found in a video clip. In it, the cook uses ready-made puff pastry, apples and curd cheese type "Philadelphia".

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