If in the fall in the garden there was a lot of apples, of which, besides the traditional drying and cooking jam, you can cook apple puree. Such a puree can be eating with pancakes, and with pancakes, and just smearing on a fresh bunch. If you add gelatin then in the puree, you will get an apple jelly, which even wipe the biscuit cakes for the cake. But mostly apple puree rush to banks to give it to children in winter. It is absolutely not difficult to cook it.
Choose the most ripe apples. Clean them from the skin and the middle. Cut apples with slices and glue. Weighing is necessary in order to determine the amount of sugar and water. Fold apples in a saucepan, pour sugar and pour with water. For each kilogram of prepared apples, take 3/4 glasses of water and 1-1.5 cup of sugar (depends on the sweetness of apples). Put a saucepan on a small fire and boil until the apples are crushed.If you have done a lot of apple puree, and I did not have time to eat it for the winter, you can put it in business. Welcome mashed potatoes to the state of jumped and use as a filling for pies.