How to cook mustard

How to cook mustard

Usually ready mustard we buy in the store. But if there is a mustard powder in the house, it can be done independently. And if you learn how to make an ordinary mustard, then in the future it can be experimenting with it and prepare it in your own taste. Now we will tell you how to prepare a Russian traditional mustard and give some more popular recipes.

Mustard Russian acute. 250 g of mustard powder seek through fine sieve. Fill it with 100 ml of boiling water, stirring constantly. The dishes in which the water powder was mixed, eat a terry towel. Leave the mixture by 12-14 hours for insistence. In a semi-finished product, add 50 ml of vinegar, 75 ml of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix thoroughly and fold into the jar. Store ready for mustard in the refrigerator. Mustard Russian is well suited to the idle, boiled language or hot boiled ham.

Danish white mustard. Mix 50 g of dry mustard and 40 g of sugar. To the dry mixture, pour as much apple vinegar so that the consistency of the thick sour cream is. Stir and leave to ripen for 1-2 hours. Before the feed, add fatty cream to mustard or sour cream to taste. White mustard is best served to fish dishes.

German mustard to grill sausages. Make the basis of 250 g of powder and 100 ml of hot water (as in the first recipe). Add 1 teaspoon of salt, 2.5 tablespoon sugar, 25 ml of wine vinegar, 50 ml of white dry wine and pinch cinnamon. Stir and serve on the table.

Mustard apple. Cake a couple of Antonovsky apples in the oven. Make a puree from the pulp. Mix 4 tablespoons puree with 3 tablespoons of mustard powder - retain for insteading. Separately boil 50 ml of 3% vinegar, adding a Badyan asterisk to it, three or four leishes of basilica, one carnation bud. 2 tablespoons of fragrant vinegar pour into the mustard apple mixture. Add 2.5 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir and serve with pork.

Taking the basis of our recipes, you can invent your mustard options. It can be done with brine, with honey, with lemon juice and with any spices. The main thing - do not forget that the mustard powder must first stand up with any liquid, and then other ingredients must be added to the thick mustard mass.

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