How to cook Medovukhu

How to cook Medovukhu

The product that is obtained from the fermented honey is called Medovukha. Just do not be confused with the grinding honey. He was preparing in large oak barrels and insisted for twenty years. Medvoku is a faint alcohol drink. The cooking technology has changed, but taste qualities remained similar. Make and fastened with honey, but the fortress there is achieved in non-fermentation method, but by adding alcohol. We will try to teach you to cook medical house at home on a classic recipe.

One of the simplest recipes of medical devices prepared at home, all components of which are available: Honey take 300 grams, water - two liters, yeast (alcohol) - teaspoon, cinnamon, carnations and muscat - on the floor of a teaspoon, hop cones - five gram.

First of all, you need to choose the right honey. This is a very important point from which the quality of the product will depend. You should pick up varieties with a special aroma, for example, buckwheat or lime. Try to make a medvoda to choose natural honey of good quality and watch you sugar surrogate. From such a product, you naturally will never be able to prepare a tasty and healthy healthy.

Water is also of great importance. It should be clean, without extraneous tastes and smells. The ideal is suitable spring or artesian water. It needs to dissolve honey. In order for honey to dissolve, water should be boiled in enameled dishes and add honey parts in boiling water, constantly stirring it. When the solution leaves for five minutes - a foam will appear, collect it neatly noise. Just be attentive: honey, if it does not mix it, can burn and even light up. When you removed the foam, fragrant additives are put in Medovukha. Cinnamon, carnation, nut nut and hops will make the taste of original. Mix everything thoroughly and you can take dishes from the fire.

Before putting a honeycomb on fermentation, it must be prepared. For this you have to wait for it to cool up to 24-30 degrees. After cooling, yeast is added. Then the container is placed in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 degrees. The dishes need to cover gauze, so that insects do not get there. After a couple of days, fermentation will begin. The appearance of foam on the surface is the right sign of the start of the process. All contents are shifted into the container where further fermentation will be.

How-to make-medochu11

For this purpose, ten-liter bottles will be very successful. In the neck insert a wooden tube with a rubber tube and take away wax. Insert the other end of the tube into a glass with water. It turns out the so-called water castle. It is needed so that the air does not get inside the bottle. Friction itself will last about six days. A sign that it is over, there will be cessation of bubbles.

When the fermentation process is over, the honey is blown into another dishes. You need to overflow tube so as not to disturb the precipitate. Then it should be filtered through a vanity-gauze filter. After filtering, the honey is bottled and insist about five days. Store Drink Recommended in the refrigerator.

If you are all done correctly, you can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of homemade honeycomb.

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