How to cook a filling from flour

How to cook a filling from flour

The most popular and, perhaps, one of the most delicious Soviet childhood sauces is a fuy of flour. Each hostess masterfully made her own recipe. This sublime was an indispensable attribute of both festive and everyday dishes. How to cook a filling from flour, we will talk further.


  • Chicken meat - 500 g;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. for every 0.5 liter of broth;
  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • Cold water - 75-100 ml;
  • Salt, bay leaf, nutmeg, pepper to taste (or optional).

To begin with, drunk chicken meat in salted water with a laurel sheet and a pinch of pepper. Then you need to remove meat, cool and cut into small pieces.

Next in cold water (about 75-100 ml) we dissolve flour so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Energetically stirring, pour this mass into hot broth.


We add crushing garlic.

Continuing to stir, cook sauce to thickening for about 10 minutes. Suck prepared meat, remove from the slab and leave it to be.

You can serve both hot and cold.

Still being prepared with tomato. To do this, tomato paste and finely chopped, roasted carrots and onions are added to the flour broth.

And fans of cream sauces are suitable with the addition of sour cream. Preparing the basic filling on the broth, add several spoons of sour cream and the pinch of the dried basil.

Delicious fifth from childhood is ready. Enjoy!



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