How to cook oatmeal cookies

How to cook oatmeal cookies

Beautiful, tasty, crunchy, melting in the mouth - all this about oatmeal cookies. It is good and with tea, and with coffee, and with milk, and with fruit juice. In the Oatmeal Cookie store, they disassemble very quickly, it means that it is necessary to learn how to bake it yourself. Moreover, it is a very easy baking, and the result is always above all silence.

Oatmeal Classic Cookies:

  1. Three glasses of Hercules scroll through the meat grinder. If you cook biscuits will be their flakes, on a pack of which there is an inscription "Gentle", then this stage will skip.
  2. Mix flakes with three cups of flour and two teaspoons of the bakery powder (baking powder).
  3. Distribute two eggs from one and a half cups of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  4. Softening 250 grams of cream oil.
  5. In soft oil gradually enter whipped eggs.
  6. Mix two parts of the dough: dry and liquid.
  7. Skate the dough into the ball, wrap the food film and send to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  8. Next, roll the ball from the dough, the size of a little less walnut.
  9. Spread them on the baking sheet, covered with baking paper. The distance between the balls is 4-5 cm.
  10. Bake the cookie in the oven at 180-190 degrees to ruddy color.
  11. So that the cookies do not break, remove it from the paper after it will cool down.

Be sure to follow the distance between the dough balls. During baking, they will settle and break a little. If the balls are close to each other, then all the cookie will turn into solid oat frills.

Oatmeal cookies with raisins. Prepare it according to the above prescription, but half of the glass of Hercules replace the same amount of raisins. Iisen well wash and dry and put it in the whole dough, not grinding on the meat grinder. You can diversify classic oatmeal cookies by adding a couple of tablespoons of honey to the dough, handful of nuts or grams of 100 coconut chips. In each particular case, lower dry or liquid portion of the main test.

Than good oatmeal cookies, so this is the fact that it can be replaced by a fatty component to another suitable product. Instead of creamy oil, margarine or even refined vegetable oil is perfect. So, write a recipe for lean oatmeal cookies. It is preparing without eggs and is suitable for people who comply with the Orthodox post:

  1. Prepare two glasses of oatmeal - dried in the oven and grind almost in flour.
  2. Add a quarter of a glass of wheat flour of coarse grinding, pinch of salt and two teaspoons of a baking powder for the dough.
  3. In a dry mixture, pour 2-3 tablespoons of honey and as much vegetable oil without smell.
  4. Mix the dough to the state when the balls can be sculpted from it. If the dough is liquid, add flour, if cool - then honey and oil.
  5. Beat cookies in the same way as described in paragraph 1.

Unusual oatmeal cookies with carrots:

  1. Mix 100 g of rye flour with 100 g of oatmeal and 60 g of brown sugar. Rye flour can be replaced with wheat coarse grinding, and oatmeal - oatmeal frightened in a coffee grinder.
  2. Put 60 g of chopped walnuts and 100 g grated in a small grater of fresh carrots on the mixture.
  3. The floor of a teaspoon of soda is extinguished by two teaspoons of lemon juice.
  4. Soda, teaspoon of ginger powder and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil Add to the previously prepared mixture of flour, nuts and carrots.
  5. Roll the dough into the ball and let him relax.
  6. Make small balls, put them on a silicone sheet and give a little a fork.
  7. Bake cookies to characteristic golden color.

In this recipe, carrots can be replaced by a pumpkin, and instead of ginger, we put vanilla sugar.

If you are waiting for guests, then cooked cookies decorate so that it is elegant. Melt white and black chocolate and make a multi-colored mesh on cookies, laying up cookies on the table in one layer. Give the mesh to frozen on the surface and only after that shift the home pastries in the vase.

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